Chapter 98:Level-Up

Soon she understood the situation.

2 groups arrived before her, but for some reason, they were not able to walk to the other side.

They were sure that the treasure was there.

Just as they were discussing a collaboration, they heard the sound of 'click', and both the groups rushed in.

But since the invisible 'door' was narrow everyone started fighting to rush in first.

Chi Ai felt that they all were stupid.

Because she can clearly feel, that the 'invisible door' was a trap.

Her instinct told her that a bloodbath will happen if she didn't stop them.


It doesn't matter, she was not here to save the world, all she needed now was the source of green light.

Ignoring the fight she turned her head toward the left and followed the light.

Soon she arrived at the left side of the mountain.

Compared to the lively scene on the right side, the area here was dead silent.