Chapter 125: City B

Seeing the leave application Mr. Feng lectured Chi Ai,

"Chi Ai I don't want to lecture you but if you take leave like this continuously your grades will fall below average."

In order to hide her intelligence from those masterminds, Chi Ai scored the lowest marks in her previous school.

Now the same result was creating trouble for her.

Chi Ai assured Mr. Feng, "Rest assured, Mr. Feng. I will become a top scorer of the entire class."


Turning around Chi Ai saw Mrs. Xu standing at the door, laughing so loud as if she heard the funniest joke.

Ignoring her, Chi Ai said, "So Mr. Feng, can you approve my leave?"

Mr. Feng wanted to lecture Chi Ai a little more however seeing Mrs. Xu standing at the door, he decided to agree for now.


Chi Ai beamed and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Feng."

While passing by the door of the staffroom, she loudly muttered, 

"Who was the crow that was cawing before?"