Chapter 132: I love to talk about money

"You hacked into my information?"

Chi Ai said mysteriously,

"It's not difficult for me. However, it is indeed difficult for Young Master Lu to survive till now."

Lu Hao remained silent.

"Let me guess, you wanted to gain my attention and hence you challenged me. After losing you gave me this black card so that you could know me, person."

"You were afraid to talk with me online since you are constantly being monitored."

Lu Hao silently lowered his eyes and shut his mouth.

"Now tell me why you approached me. Who is monitoring you? Why you are being monitored?"

Lu Hao raised his head a sunny smile remained on his face and he said,

"Why should I tell when I am not sure."

Indirectly, he was asking her to confirm her identity and asking her to give him something for assurity.

Chi Ai smirked and said,