Chapter 137: Space

"Do you know the most mysterious existence in this world is not the parallel universe or the origin of the universe, it is the soul. A soul is something that exists in every person."

"In this world, everything can be imitated except for the soul. In some of the ancient texts, it was once written that if a person knows how to control the soul, they would be able to control anyone."

Chi Ai felt as if she hearing a fictional sci-fi story and laughed softly,

"There no way that someone can control the soul."

"That is what you think, anyways, the experiment went in the wrong direction, and all the top families and mysterious organizations left the experiment."

"It was unknown what deal was made, but the traces of this experiment vanished into thin air."

Chi Ai said in a light voice,

"And that experiment is related to me?"


Chi Ai thought about her soul essence.

Indeed normal humans don't have soul essence but she does.