Chapter 145: Horrified


"And she is using her power to bully others."

Chi Ai remained calm even after hearing and called Miao Han,

"Where are you? Can you check if..."

"Ai I am right behind you."

Chi Ai saw Miao Han wasn't in school and was about to leave when she turned toward Ning Bei.

"Mother, are you okay?"

Ning Bei was still clutching her heart but she heard Chi Ai's conversation too and said,

"I am fine... go and find Zhou."

Once Chi Ai was sure that her mother was okay, she turned and left.

She tried locating Ning Zhou through her phone but it(Ning Zhous' phone) was switched off.

Suddenly her phone rang.

Chi Ai saw that it was from Yu Rong and picked it up,

"So Miss Chi how is my show? Enjoying it..."

Chi Ai gritted her teeth and ignore his gloating,

"Where is my cousin?"

"Oh my! Why are you so impatient? Let's first talk  about some conditions..."

"F*ck you."

Saying so she hung up.