Chapter 148: Kneel

Seeing this Lin Jin's mouth opened in surprise.

In fact, Chi Ai was shocked too.

When the words appeared both Chi Ai and Lin Jin were disappointed.

After all the words were written in a strange language, other than a few highlighted words, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Lin Jin thought of something and tried to find the language on the internet.

And she was able to get the name of the language.

After translating the text, all Lin Jin got was a few nonsensical lines.

Seeing this Lin Jin sighed and said,

"Boss this is meaningless."

Chi Ai felt like that too.

Guo Huan who just entered the room was amused seeing Chi Ai and Lin Jin sitting like a child.

When he stood in front of them Chi Ai and Lin Jin lifted their head.

Guo Huan coughed to hide his smile and asked,

"What are you looking at boss?"

Chi Ai pointed at the paper and said,

"Trying to encrypt this."