Chapter 153: Re-examine

While some of the businessmen who were trying to find fault with Chi Ai, hurriedly shouted,

"Murder! Murder! This girl is committing murder!"


Chi Ai ignored them but a few of the businessmen step forward to stop her.

She simply pressed a few acupoints in their body and whoever came to attack her fell one by one.

Seeing how efficient Chi Ai was in acupoints, the old man finally relaxed a little.

From the looks of it, Chi Ai wasn't someone without medical knowledge.

In fact, the old man was surprised to see her expertise in acupuncture and acupressure techniques.

It was clear that she possessed advanced medical skills, far beyond what he had initially assumed.

His eyes turned deep and no one knew what he was thinking.

Seeing the miserable state of those who tried to intervene, other businessmen shut their mouths up.