Chapter 155: Poison

"I know I know, you might be thinking, that the old man dabbles in the medicinal field more rather than clothing but you know too, the reason why he is so famous is because of his connections."

Chi Ai raised an eyebrow.

What does James mean by famous because of his connection?

However, her question was soon answered by James,

"Miss, he is indeed a big shot since he has connections all over the country after all he was once the king of businessmen on the international level."

Then James sighed as if he thought of something unpleasant,

"If it wasn't for that upsetting incident, he would still be the king of businessmen..."

Now Chi Ai knew about the old man completely.

In summary, the old man was the ex-king of the business, and now he has retired from doing a sideline business of medicine but still has connections all over the country.

Chi Ai ignored the chattering James and said,

"I will leave."