Chapter 172: Memory Loss

Chi Ai sighed at the fact that the person who is soon to be an heir to a 40 billion business empire is having a difficult time even booking a good hotel.

Han Min was instantly frightened seeing Chi Ai's frown, he didn't want Chi Ai to know about his financial condition.

He wished that before treatment he could pretend like a rich person so that Chi Ai do the surgery and he could then sell himself to her as a repayment.

After surgery, even if Chi Ai decides to sell him, he won't feel bad at all.

So he said with a straight face,

"I was in a hurry, and I didn't book any hotel in advance, hence..."

Chi Ai saw through his embarrassment and lie but she didn't expose it and nodded.

Soon Han Min appeared in the hotel room.

He led Chi Ai to his mother's room.

When Chi Ai saw Han Min's mother her heart was filled with surprise.

She thought that since Han Min's mother was sick for the past 23 years, she would look haggard.