Chapter 187: Zi Hao

She sowed the seed and came out of space.

After she was sure that she has packed everything, she slept.

Next day.

When Chi Ai woke up it was already 9'o clock.

She hurriedly got ready and hailed a cab to the airport.

After boarding her flight, Chi Ai went to business class and saw that her seat was already occupied.

A middle-aged woman with her daughter was sitting in her seat.

Since Chi Ai didn't want too much noise around her, Chi Ai had booked both seats, but now both of them were occupied by someone else.

It was her first time, seeing this and she felt that they might have not seen the seat.

Chi Ai went forward and said to them,

"Hello I think you are seated at the wrong seat, this is my seat."

The middle-aged woman heard Chi Ai's words and said,

"Oh, I am sorry."

Even though the middle-aged woman said this, she didn't move from her place at all.

Chi Ai frowned and said,