Chapter 196: Lost Memory?

Jun Yichen: "..." Dad are you sure you want a daughter-in-law? 

Mr. Jun knew that his conditions were outrageous, not that he really expected all this from his daughter-in-law.

But since Chi Ai can't be his daughter-in-law he has to vent his anger so he decided to scare his son and hence he puts forth such a condition.

Of course, Mr. Jun would have succeeded in scaring Jun Yichen, if the girl about whom Jun Yichen was talking was not Chi Ai, Unfortunately, Mr. Jun was destined to be disappointed.

Because Jun Yichen who was stiff till now suddenly showed a smile and said,

"Okay, I will inform Chi Ai of all of your requirements."

Mr. Jun nodded and said,

"Yeah, and she also has to wake up at 5'o clock to worship the Buddha, make breakfast, and..."

Suddenly Mr. Jun paused and started processing Jun Yichen's words and soon his face turned pale.

"Chi Ai?"

"Yes." Jun Yichen nodded calmly.