Chapter 201: Reporter at the gate.

Chi Ai chuckled a little and suddenly said,

"Then...Mr. Yan, I do hope that you won't regret your decision in the future and will not come to beg me, to return this school."

Without even listening and just believing the photo in which she was chatting with Ou Guan, they called her, Ou Guan's mistress.

That's right!

If it was just a rumor, then the situation wouldn't have spread so far.

However, someone had posted photos of her and Ou Guan when they were talking.

What was more ridiculous was that, in one of the photos it was looking as if she was leaning Ou Guan to kiss him...

It was a back photo and Chi Ai understood from the background that it was taken when she was reducing Ou Xiang for the first time.

Some photos were true, some were made up.

But since it was a mixed truth, everyone believed her.

Not to mention she didn't say anything to refute it.