Chapter 211: Question

When both of them were finished, they exchanged their question.

It was so smooth that one could feel the chemistry just by looking at it.

Soon both of them started solving the question.

When Wu Jinyu saw the familiar question, he couldn't help but smile.

His Hanhan is really so predictable.

Then he solved the question with ease.

In their past life, she gave him the same question and after losing to her again, she gave him the answer.

Then she asked him to play again and asked him the same question.

Which clearly indicated that she wanted to let him because his condition after winning was to marry her.

To which she never replied but that day Wu Jinyu understood that the broken Miao Han wanted to be happy too but wasn't able to due to her past...

He came out of his daze and looked at Miao Han.

On the other hand, the current Miao Han was struggling to answer the question.