Chapter 240: RY

So why was Jun Yichen saying that he had a wife?

Either he had hidden it too well or he is yet to marry the woman whom he claimed was his wife.

If it was later then she would have to give up and leave, however, if it was latter then ...

A smile appeared on Stacy's face and she couldn't help but smirk.

For the next few days, Stacy kept a close eye on Jun Yichen and found out that he followed a rather boring routine.

From his home to office and from office to home.

In between he would go to some hotel or restaurants but that was all.

He never had a female partner with him and always stayed away from all the women.

A top-class husband material.

This shows that even though he is rich he is one woman man and would never cheat on his wife after marriage.

At the same time the thought of how loving he was towards the woman he loves, Stacy felt that she needed to bag this man and hence she decided to chase Jun Yichen.