After the Chaos

"Crown Prince…" Teo said in a low drawl, his mouth halfway open. "It wasn't my fault; I did everything that was asked of me…"

Elys withdrew her hand from Aleksander's chest. She signaled with her eyes, and the bastard prince stood up and turned his focus on the vampire knight.

Teo turned silent for a second, but then his murmurings turned into full blown screams. Aleksander had tailored for him specific things that would surely scare the shit out of him and keep his head occupied as long as Aleksander wished.

The bastard prince then turned to Elys, his eyes burning with curiosity and awe. What the princess did to him back when they rode the carriage was as real as it got. She was keeping magic within her, and now she has finally shown her capacity with her own volition.

"You didn't answer my question, Elysianne," Aleksander spoke.