Knock Knock

The royal couple and their servants scoured every nook and cranny of the cave in search of an exit. Elys could feel the tension that Aleksander emanated, and instantly knew the Eastern guards were nearing them.

"Fuck, where is it?" Aleksander cursed, "If we don't find an exit, we won't have any choice but to fight, then."

"No," Elys put her foot down, "the Eastern Kingdom swore to no violence. We aren't going to harm anyone unless they attack us forcefully."

"Then why did you bring a dagger in the first place?" the prince asked, his eyes darting from one part of the wall to another, knocking with his fist to test if it was hollow on the other side.

"The dagger I brought in was just a precaution, but I never intended to use it against them," the princess responded.

Aleksander raised an incredulous brow, and Elys promptly responded by explaining further her answer to the prince's question.