The Prince's Efforts

An official declaration was made that announced the sudden passing of King Raxus and Queen Zephyrine, which then caused quite a stir throughout the whole kingdom. Many rumors pertaining to the cause of the monarch's death spread like wildfire, but not a single one was acknowledged by the royal courts and physician.

Elys paced back and forth in her bedroom. It had been a week already since they had returned without the kingdom's detection, and Aleksander intended to reveal himself on the day the King and Queen were laid to rest.

'Is this really the right thing to do?' she asked herself, 'Shouldn't we at least try to gain support from other nobilities first?'

The princess took to biting her nails in agitation. A knock came at her door and she turned to Cordelia's voice announcing herself.

"Princess, I have brought the documents you have asked for," the old woman said.

"Very well, come in," Elys said.