High Priestess Naya's Letters

After the sudden burst of magic that the princess released, the clergy and the remaining nobilities were shaken to Wiriam's yielding to the bastard prince.

High Priestess Naya surprisingly agreed to it as well, which then sealed the deal for Aleksander's coronation as the new king of the Western Kingdom.

The princess was immediately raised to Queen status too, as Aleksander was adamant she be coronated as well despite being a human.

"But High Priestess!" one of the priests contested the decision, "The late Queen Zephyrine's prophesies speak of doom should the bastard prince return to the castle!"

"He will kill us all if we let him rule the vampire kingdom," another spoke. "And what of that wife of him? I thought she was a slave, but a slave couldn't have done such destruction in one blow! She is a demon! They are a dangerous pair to take over the throne."