Took Him By Surprise

The royal couple stood motionless as Aleksander let out his worries to Elys. She had heard him say this before, but this time around, he seemed more than just worried.

He looked terrified.

His eyes were practically begging her to agree with him. But if he was this much terrified to lose her, why couldn't he just ask nicely? He could have spared Elys the shock of free falling from a deadly height at that.

"I apologize, wife," Aleksander whispered, "I admit it is much difficult for me to be nice at all. Henry would have laughed at me. Despite all of his advices, I always end up getting you into an awkward position, if getting you infuriated as well."

Elys suddenly felt sorry as well.

She grumbled under her breath, "Indeed, you have. Both the awkward and infuriating part was on point."

Aleksander sighed, "Forgive me. I won't be doing it again."