Can Realities Be Altered?

Elys took each step towards her office door with extreme caution. She was on heightened alert as she pointed the tip of her sword towards the door, and whoever it was on the other side.

The ominous killing aura that seeped from the crevices sent chills running up and down her spine. Where was her guard? Why hadn't anyone responded when she spoke the first time?

"Who are you and what do you want?" Elys asked, "This would be the last time I ask you, for my patience wears thin and I already know you don't want to be friends with that killing intent emanating from you."

With Elys' words, the dark aura intensified to the point she could actually see the black mana that leaked from the door's hinges. The doorknob suddenly rattled, as if someone was forcing their entry. A series of loud bangs almost unhinged the doors, unnervingly taking Elys by surprise.