Waging War Part 1

Aleksander frowned the moment he realized the person knocking wasn't the one he wanted to see. The door opened even before the young king could even deny entry. Elys turned her head to see who it was, and a brow arched upwards.

"Marquis Lanz, now is not the right time," Aleksander scowled at the vampire. "How dare you intrude when I haven't even called for you?"

The Marquis bowed his head several times, rubbing his hands as if it could actually appease the young king. His efforts were entirely useless – Aleksander was actually even more annoyed, if not insulted.

"Forgive my intrusion, your majesty," he apologized, "but there has been something that Sir Wiriam had informed us about."

"Sir Wiriam?" Elys and Aleksander said in unison.

"What did he say?" the young king asked. "Be quick, Marquis Lanz, for I have other important things to do."