Couple in the Spotlight

The weeks went by after the conversation with the headmaster Uri had on that Sunday. Everything seemed to return to a nearly normal state of affairs as Kelly and him got closer and talked more and more often, sometimes spending hours together just walking and spending time with one another. It had become something both looked forward to and had even allowed Uri to find out how to make a cloak on his own, something that Kelly was nearly too proud of, "I know I shouldn't have told you about that potion, but I am sure you won't be doing anything stupid with that, right?" Uri nodded, "I wouldn't want to get in trouble because of you."

"Don't worry, I haven't done anything really stupid yet," Kelly rolled her eyes as Uri folded the cloak in a way so that the invisible exterior was covered by the visible interior, "How is your magic going?"

"Well, we are starting to learn Fairy Call, as much as it is new, it still seems a little pathetic sometimes to put so much effort into summoning a small creature," Uri explained, "But at least it is something that could attack if I needed it to."

"First year spells are pretty lame," A symbol formed on front of Kelly's hand, "Flame," A tiny fire hovered over her finger before she blew it out, "A fire first year spell," Uri nodded, "How was the wand choosing?" Uri held his short wand.

"Not as interesting as yours."

"Wands don't need to be interesting, they just need to be useful for you," Kelly shrugged, "Mine is useful and my spells are mostly accurate with this wand of mine."

"I guess, it works for me and I still use my hands sometimes," He awkwardly laughed, "I forget to use it."

"You'll get used to it," Kelly pat his shoulder, laughing. She didn't seem to stop and was caught in laughter for a minute or so, "But, um, yeah, I used my hands until I found that my notes were more accurate than these," The conversation died down after that comment as the pair sat silently together on the lonely bench. Uri was content with spending time with someone who wanted to spend time with him without asking any questions. Kelly, it seemed, had more ideas for their time together. Her hand slowly creeped across the bench and towards Uri's hand. She tried to hide her attempts as the young woman's hand got closer and closer to her goal.

Uri felt something touch his hand, he turned and looked at his hand that had been sitting on the bench and saw that Kelly's hand was now over his. He wanted to ask what she was doing but he didn't know how too. After hesitating for a few moments, his mind gave up on trying to formulate a question or a remark and simply accepted having Kelly's hand holding his.

Kelly couldn't help but grin as his hand moved to hold hers as she had hoped would happen. Her heart was racing as she could feel him holding onto her hand, "Hey Uri," He turned and looked at her, "Do you want to date?"

"Huh?" Uri stared back at her, confused and surprised, "What did you say?"

"Like, date? I don't know how to explain it," Uri nodded, "I mean, if you don't want to I can understand it, I am a third year and older than you, we haven't known each other for that long and I can understand if you don't want to," She let go of his hand and began talking quickly and nearly mindlessly, "I just thought, like, it felt like the right moment and um, I understand if you don't want to or aren't ready for this type of thing and um," Uri was trying to get his own word in but she wouldn't let him through her nervous and worried rambling.


"Yes?" She stopped suddenly as her brief pause had finally given him a chance to break her out of her nervous and seemingly endless ramble about not being good enough or it being the wrong time, "What's up, Uri?"

"I don't know how it will be, but I will gladly try that with you," Her face lit up and the worried expression she had during her ramble was gone, leaving her speechless and smiling, "So yeah."

"I didn't expect that."

"I didn't expect that either," Uri replied with a smile, she was blushing brightly, "Want to stay here for a bit more?" She nodded and the two stayed on the lonely bench for a bit longer as the sun slowly began to set in front of them. The autumn breeze blew softly as the two sat quietly on the bench, "Um, also, I have a question for you."

"Yeah?" She turned to look at him with a very excited look on her face, "What's up?" Uri hesitated for a few moments to formulate his thoughts correctly.

"I have never done this type of thing, I have never had any sort of role model for this either," He admitted, "Expect me to be lost."

"I think that is fine, I don't mind either way," They both stood up and began heading back to the main part of the campus, "I wonder what other people are going to think about this."

"Does it matter?" Kelly giggled and took his hand before shaking her head. She wasn't as intimidating as other people had made her out to be and with a little bit more attention and effort, Kelly was nothing more than a friendly and likable person who wanted to be more than just the headmaster's daughter or the top student that her mother made her to be. Uri was a nobody and she was known across the whole campus, it made them an interesting pairing. The rest of the evening seemed to go as normal as the new couple went their own ways and followed the usual routine they both had.