Chapter 2: Friendship

"Welcome to Ninjō Village!" The teacher cheers in excitement as all of the students stay close to them. Today, we're going on a field trip to Ninjō Village and I'm by myself today. Chauncey didn't come to school, maybe because of what happened yesterday? I have no clue. She doesn't have a phone, so I can't call her or anything. I sigh while looking around the village. I heard in an article that it used to look old or something, just like how it is now. There's dirt roads and a plaza, there's also a guillotine! It looks like no one lives here.

We walk around with the teacher and we were given a tour, and as soon as we get to The Red Sea, the teacher gives us a lecture. "This is The Red Sea. It's called The Red Sea because not only is this ocean red, it's said that it's from the blood of warriors from a war years and years ago. It's also where people commit suicide. It's a sad thing to talk about, and even though no one swims in it, its very peaceful and calming to hear the waves and smell the salty waters".

I look towards the wide ocean and close my eyes, trying to hear the waves. Death is a sad thing. Those warriors, whatever they did, they should be honored even in death. When I open my eyes, the whole class is gone except Haru who stands next to me looking at The Red Sea. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask feeling annoyed by his presence. He tells me "C-Calm down! The teacher told us to get in pairs of two and we all meet back at the school bus". What a great teacher, to leave all the students by themselves in this big village. It's not like we'll get lost or anything, oh no not at all. I look back at the sea, it is peaceful. No wonder people come here to die.

Haru seems different though. Instead of insulting me like usual, he seems...I don't know how to explain it. As we're both looking towards the sea, Haru asks me "Camellia, what do you think about death?" Now its confirmed that he's acting weird, he called me by my first name! This is the first time he didn't call me dead girl. Maybe it's because of Chauncey's threat, actually. "I...don't know. It's sad, but it's a natural thing that goes on in life, I guess." I answered honestly. "I don't want to die" Something about Haru's voice sounds like he's going to cry. What is going on with him all of a sudden?

I look at him and I tell him "I'm sorry for what Chauncey did to you. She's became very protective" I think about rubbing his back or holding his shoulder for comfort, but I keep my hands to myself. "You must've been so scared". I hear Haru sniffing and he says "No, she's right. I realized I have been a jerk to you all these years, and I'm sorry about that. Can we be friends?"

I look at him in the eyes and I can tell he's being sincere. I give him a heart warming smile and I playfully tell him "Okay Jerk, we can be friends". He lets out a chuckle from the nickname and wipes the snot out of his nose. I look to my left and I get the chills. I see the girl again, the girl that looks like Chauncey. She's staring back at me with the same stoic lifeless face and slowly turns around, walking away while her long jet black hair flows with the wind. Where is she going? I grab Haru's hand and we run through The Red Sea to catch up with the girl. Haru is confused, but I'm determined to find out what the hell this girl wants!


Huffing and puffing, we finally stop at a cottage in the middle of the woods. Vines grew all over, grass is uncut, the cottage had no windows and there's a large hole in the ceiling. The place looked abandoned. In front of the cottage is a clothesline, an old rocking chair on the porch, and there's also a mossy stone path leading to the front door.

"Is this where she wanted us to be? Is this her 'home'?" I ask myself those questions, but I have no answers. "Um Camellia, where are we?" Haru is just as confused as I am. We slowly walk towards the front door and as we go, A tall busty woman opens the door. She has long white hair and pointy ears, her eyes are just as white as her hair and skin. She's very gorgeous and she welcomes us with a smile. She has a worn out dress thats down to her feet. Me and Haru are a few feet away and we couldn't stop staring at this woman.

"Hello, I see you two over there. My name is Amelia, would you like to have a cup of tea?"