Chapter 4: A Shocking Realization

I was beyond shocked. When Amelia was alive, her human name was Maryanne. The Pink Crimson Demon's first girlfriend that she killed. Jackson was a mystery though, even Amelia doesn't know where he came from. She claims that he's her brother, but who is he really?

Amelia told Jackson to take us to the village's library to learn more about Ninjō. It was a long silent walk, Haru's shaking hand grabs mine. He seems really scared, I'm starting to feel bad. My thumb rubs his hand reassuring him that everything's okay.

Instead of Jackson being shirtless, he has on a white tank top and instead of being barefoot, he has on leather boots. Unfortunately he still has on his old dirty pants. He walks in front of us quietly while holding onto a machete, looking around for anyone or anything that could hurt us. Tall strong-looking trees tower over us, leaves cover the sun from shining on us. Flowers of all different colors surround us as we walk across them. It looked breathtakingly beautiful.

"Why are you so scared?" Jackson suddenly asks. I have no idea who he's talking to, so me and Haru frantically look at each other. Jackson then turns to Haru and asks "What's your name, boy?" Haru's hand still holds on to mine and he answers "M-My name is H-H-Haru." Jackson then scoffs. "Why are you so scared, boy?" He asks again, this time he's getting impatient. Haru quickly answers, saying "I-I don't know." Jackson then points his machete at Haru and we all freeze. Haru's now panicking, two or three tears fall off his flushed cheeks. Poor Haru, he's the main target for people to point knives and machetes at him.

"Leave him alone!" I shout out, but Jackson looks at me and says "He needs to learn how to be a man!" I quickly walk in front of Haru, pushing Jacksons arm away, looking up into his blue eyes, and I say again in a firm tone of voice "Leave. Him. Alone." He looks down at me in shock, I assume it's because someone so small is standing up to someone like him. I see that his face is slightly flushed and he quickly notices this, turning away and covering his blushing face with one hand. "What the hell was that about?" I thought to myself. Haru is just as confused as I am.

Since he's been an asshole to us, he might as well have a taste of his own medicine. "Aww what's wrong? You don't like it when a girl talks to you like this? Your flushed face says otherwise." I tease him while slowly walking behind him. I try to look at his face, but he keeps looking away from me. I snicker at his reaction and continue. "What happen to being a man?" And as I said that, his large hand grabs my chin and lifts so I'm looking up at him. I definitely pissed him off, his eyes are filled with rage and his face is still blushing. "Don't provoke me." he hissed as me lets go of my chin and walks away from us. I stand still in shock and Haru quickly follows Jackson so he doesn't lose him. I don't know what his problem is, he's a whole mystery that's hard to figure out.


We finally get to the library. The building is filled with all different kinds of books and tables so people can sit and read. Jackson leans on a wall and tells us to look around while he keeps watch. Geez, Jackson's a human surveillance camera. I roll my eyes and look around at all the books I could pick while Haru sits down at one of the tables to rest.

The girl with blue ribbons lead me at Amelia and Jackson's home for some reason, maybe because of what Amelia told me. That was important information, but I still have no ideas as to what I'm supposed to understand. And speak of the devil, The blue ribboned girl is there, standing in the section that said "History" for the history books.

"Do you want me to look through here?" I ask her. The blue ribboned girl nods and then walks away.

I frantically search through the books, hoping to find something important here, and one books peeks my interest. A large ancient textbook, and on the front cover it says "Demonic and Urban Encyclopedia" This book has all of the different types of demons and urban legends In this village. There's apparently a lot because the textbook has a lot of pages in it and on the first page, the chapter says:

"-The Pink Crimson Demon-

The Pink Crimson Demon Is a twenty thousand year old demon. Her human name is Maria Antionette Lyon. She was born in Paris, France in October 23, 1800. She had a twin sister that was a minute older named Margaret Antionette Lyon, a father named John Antionette Lyon, and a mother named Sarah Antionette Lyon. They were a wealthy family that moved to America to learn English and expand their wealth.

Maria realized at a young age that she wasn't interested in men. Back when she was in Paris, she fell in love with her childhood friend named Maryanne Baltimore, an American girl that works in a Cabaret Club as a Courtesan. There's not much to learn about Maryanne, other than she was suddenly found dead one night.

When Maria told her family about her homosexuality, her father responded by physically abusing her. Expanding the Lyon family's wealth and to learn English were not the only reasons why they moved to America, They did so because Mr. Lyon set up an arranged marriage for Maria. She was then married to an older man that sexually abused her. Maria believed that men were just like her father, that they do whatever they want to women and that women are just pieces of meat to make love to.

Maria had enough of the suffering and planned to kill her father, but unfortunately she got killed by a single bullet to the heart by her own father.

Now rumors say that The Pink Crimson Demon lives in The Red Sea, cursing humans by granting their wishes. Whatever the wish is, she'll grant only if they become hers. Theres no clarification on what exactly she does, but one survivor named Kirami Hanarama stated that The Pink Crimson Demon will slowly lead you on, make love to you and cherish you to get your heart going. And when you finally get possessed by her spell to the point where you'd do anything for her, she'll rip your heart out and eat it in front of you while you slowly bleed out and die. Usually, its rumored that she rapes her victims and eats their hearts, but she does what Kirami Hanarama states if Maria has an unexplainable interest towards you. She was only nineteen years old when she passed away."

I read the whole chapter in amazement and shock.I only hear rumors at school, but I got to read the whole thing about The Pink Crimson Demon and a little bit about Amelia. I go to the next chapter and I freeze in shock. I then start to read:

"-Mio Jigoku-

Mio Jigoku is a twenty one thousand year old demon born in Mēkurabu, a very old village in Japan in the early 1900's. She lived there in the Geisha District with her mother Meiko Jigoku, her father Keiji Jigoku, Her elder sister Ashina Jigoku, and her twin sister Chauncey Jigoku."

My blood goes cold, my heart beats and my breathing goes uneven. The blue ribboned girl does look exactly like Chauncey, so that means her name is Mio! But why is Chauncey on here? I then continue to read:

"Surprisingly, there's no Geishas at the Geisha District, but prostitutes and Yakuza gangs. Keiji was a Yakuza member, so he wasn't home often and Meiko was a common housewife. Meiko gets frustrated that Keiji is barely home and she often thinks that he's cheating on her, causing her to physically and verbally abuse her children out of frustration. Yelling and screaming are always heard in the household, causing Mio and Chauncey to make a promise to always stay together and protect each other.

Mio and Chauncey's only friends are the prostitutes that hang out around their large and wealthy home and learned about sex by them. Their older sister Ashina became a prostitute so she could make money and please her mother, becoming her mother's favorite child. Becoming the best prostitute in the District became a dream to Ashina, so she sees her own sisters as competition and obstacles, and because of that, she abused the girls as well.

Mio and Chauncey slowly lose their sanity and they became more closer and protective of each other. Their father is the only person that can save the girls and so he tried, but there was a sudden fire that started and burned the whole house down. Ashina caused the fire, killing her whole family and leaving them to die. They say that the parents survived, but Mio and Chauncey slowly and painful burned to death. Mio and Chauncey were eighteen years old when they died.

There are barley any rumors about Mio, She lives as a wandering spirit searching for her twin sister and guiding humans to find some sort of 'truth'. What that truth is is up to the host."

I felt some sort of sympathy for the twins, they had a rough upbringing. So the blue ribboned girl is Mio, thats been confirmed. But does that mean...Chauncey is actually dead?