The cold is my enemy now

My eyes snap open when the cold water touches my face. I start coughing, and when I want to wipe my dripping hair out of my eyes, I notice my arms are tied behind me. This is when I start paying attention to my surroundings. I am in an ice cold room, there is only one door and it is guarded by 2 men with big guns. There are no windows, nothing to decorate the walls, and one empty table is standing in front of me. I am sitting on something hard, a chair I assume, my hands tied together. My feet can't reach the floor, but they are still bound against the legs of the chair. In front of me is a man, big and tall, with a scar across his eye. A beard is "adorning" his face and he is holding an empty bucket in his arms. He moves to the side to let the man standing behind him step up to me. Strucker. The baron looks at me with his cold eyes, drained from any emotion. I never knew blue eyes could hold so much darkness. "Ah, subject 507. Good to see you are finally awake, we have some big plans for you." He smiles his venomous smile at me. Subject 507? Like hell. "My name is Lidiya, not 507." I say. He narrows his eyes, and before I can see it coming, his hand strikes my face with probably all the power he has. My neck snaps to the right from the impact, and even though I try my best not to a whimper escapes my lips. He grabs my chin and forces me to look into his eyes. "You will not speak to me unless I ask you to, and your name is whatever I tell you it is!" he whispers at me, spit dripping out of his mouth and onto my face. I don't reply, even though I am young I am not going to let this man own me. My parents taught me to be strong, war taught me to be strong, and I am not going to give up without a fight. Besides, the sooner they will kill me, the sooner I can join my parents again.

Strucker takes a step back to observe me from a distance. "Call Doctor Werner, the subject is ready for her first tests." He says towards the men guarding the door, never letting his eyes leave my face. One of the two guards salutes and says "Hail Hydra!" after which he turns around on his heels and leaves the room. For a moment he just looks at me, and then says "You know, you might think it's smart to fight me right now, but trust me… It's not. I'll get what I want anyway and if you would co-operate it would be a lot easier for you." Is this man seriously asking me to help him willingly, after he has abducted me and placed me in this cell of some kind? I spit right in into his eyes. "Go to hell." He wipes the spit from his face and grits his teeth. "Wrong decision bitch." It only takes a few more moments before the guard enters the room again, this time accompanied by a man in doctor's robes. Strucker turns towards the doctor and gives him a hand. "Ah, Doctor Werner, how good of you to join us!" The doctor smiles to the baron. "I'm very happy to be here, sir. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the report about this subject!" He walks around me, watching me closely from all sides. "An entire building burned down after a bomb attack, everybody dies, and in the middle of the debris lays this girl… Alive, breathing, as if nothing had happened to her." I am getting angry, I am not a sheep you can buy at the market and that you can criticize. "My skin is black from the burn wounds and my hair is all gone, I wouldn't really call that as if nothing happened to me." I whisper angrily. Somewhere in the back of my brain I ask myself why I have hair hanging in my face then, but I don't give attention to it. Strucker steps forward, hatred covering his face. "What did I just tell you?" He asks me, quietly. I refuse to reply, I am not going to give in. "I think, Doctor, that this might be a good time for us to test one of our theories." The doctor looks at the baron for a moment with a confused on his face, until it seem that he finally understands what Strucker means. "Oh, yes, of course sir! Immediately!" He walks towards the table and opens the briefcase that he had apparently put there. I can't see what he was doing and this makes me anxious. After a couple of seconds, which feels like eternity, he turns around and is holding a lighter. He walks towards me and starts talking again. "You see, when the fire consumed you, we think that you might have taken the fire inside of you instead of, well, dying because of it. You know, sometimes when someone who has talent for special abilities goes through…" The baron coughs which makes the doctor look up, and says: "Even though I find this explanation extremely interesting, can we please move on. I still have a lot of things to do today." "Oh yes sir, of course, my apologies!" He walks over to me and looks at the skin of my arm. I do the same thing and am shocked to see my skin has its usual pale white color… There are no burn marks anymore, it is as if they had never been there. This is when the doctor lights the lighter and holds the flame against my skin.

As soon as I realize what he is doing I close my eyes and try to pull away, to escape, but the ropes are not giving in. I expect to feel pain as I feel the flame touch my skin, but the pain doesn't come. I open my eyes again, to see the spot on my arm glowing bright red, as if I am burning on the inside. It is as if my skin is pulling the fire inside of me. "Amazing, absolutely amazing…" The baron whispers as he leans closer to see what is going on. "I never expected to find another gifted one after we lost the twins, but this… This is truly remarkable. What if you get her skin into contact with something cold?" The doctor smiles: "Let's figure that out, shall we?" He puts the lighter away and comes back with a cloth that has had dipped into something. When he is standing next to me again, he presses it against my skin without any warning. The moment it touches me it feels as if I am on fire, ironically enough. I scream, cry, beg them to stop. After some time, which feels like an eternity, the doctor removes the cloth and I feel a little bit better. But it is as if it has left a burn mark on my skin, an ice cold burn mark. The skin where he has placed the cloth is raw and bloody. "So fire doesn't even make her flinch, but the cold is her weak point… How interesting." Strucker's mouth turned into an evil grin: "I'm sure we can find some use with this information." I swallow, I am scared of what they will do to me. "Please let me go." I sniff, starting to realize that they are going to keep me here for a long time. The baron laughs. "Oh no, not at all." He walks towards me and grabs my jaw, forcing me to look into his eyes. "The only thing I want to hear coming out of your mouth from now on is compliance. If you don't give in to us, you will get punished. And trust me, we are very creative when it comes to giving out punishments and we have a lot of free time to spend on you. So when I say Hail Hydra, you say…" He waits for my reply. I know giving in will be the easiest thing to do but I will never kneel for men like him. "Go to hell." He shakes his head, as if he was disappointed. "Too bad… Gregovich, fill that mouth with something else will you. Teach this little whore a lesson she won't forget. And you can have some pleasure at her expense, that's on the house." The tall man with the scar who was apparently called Gregovich smiles, rotten teeth filling his mouth. The doctor however looks uneasy when he hears Strucker say this. "Sir, do you mean to sexually assault her?" He asks, clearly taken by surprise. Strucker cocks his eyebrow. "Yes, why?" "I mean… She is only a child, surely you can't be serious." The baron sighs, as if he is sad to hear him say this. "I really wish you didn't think like that." He takes the gun out of his holster and shoots the doctor straight through the head. The lifeless body of the man who didn't want me to be abused, falls to the floor. This all happens within a second and I scream, in what horrifying place did I end up. "Guards, take this body away from here, I want to go have my lunch. I have wasted more than enough time on subject 507. Guard the door from the outside, and Gregovich when you're done, they will let you out. Do enjoy yourself. Hail Hydra!" "Hail Hydra!" comes the response from the guards and the giant man who is going to abuse my body and seems to look forward to it. Strucker leaves the room and the body of the doctor is being dragged away.

We are alone in the room, Gregovich watches me like an animal watches his prey. He enjoys the fear spreading over my face, the tears streaming down my cheeks and my small shaking body. I am not going to beg, he will probably get off on that even more. Slowly he approaches me, I swallow, why didn't I die in that fire. "So, little girl, it turns out that I must teach you a lesson. A lesson I will most definitely enjoy." He takes of his belt, placing it around my neck so he has a way of controlling my breath. "You don't have to do as I say, because I will love forcing you to do it." He opens his button and drops his pants to his ankles, showing me his dick. I get nauseous, I have never seen one before but I am sure it isn't supposed to look like this. It is filthy and dirty, something dried up covering it. He slaps it against my cheeks and that's when the smell reaches me. Oh my god, what did I get myself into. "Open your mouth, bitch." I don't, I am not going to let that thing enter me in whatever way. But as he has warned me, he likes this and gets even more excided. He pulls on the belt around my throat and cuts of my breath, making black spots appear in my view. Just when I think I will pass out, he lets loose. I open my mouth gasping for breath but he takes this opportunity to push his manhood inside of my mouth. I gag, it is the grossest thing I have ever tasted and he pushes it all the way in my throat. Saliva is dripping out of my mouth on the floor, tears streaming down my face. Please kill me, please let me die. "You are a little whore and sex is a punishment, you will never enjoy it, only we will." It doesn't take long before he reaches his peak, coming deep into my throat. The cum spills out of my mouth, it is the most disgusting ever, and I try to spit it out. He closes my jaw with his gigantic hands, forcing me to swallow it all. When all is gone, he puts his pants on again and removes the belt from my neck, which triggers a coughing attack. "I'll be back." He whispers into my ear after which he turns around and leaves the room. I hear the door lock and this is when I give in to the tears.