When the Odama Rasengan collides with the chakra shield emerging from Chiyo's arms, the chakra shield begins to crack and dust rises in the area where Chiyo and Ryuu are. After a while the dust dispersed, Ryuu was standing while Chiyo lay on the ground with her prosthetic hands wrecked.

Chiyo is alive and not seriously injured, because she was able to disperse most of the attack power using her chakra shield, but she will not be able to continue fighting as her prosthetic arms are broken.

The shadow clones collected the ten puppets Chiyo had previously used, stored them in a scroll, and gave the scroll to Ryuu.

Ryuu walked to Chiyo's side and spoke admiringly, "These puppets are really well made, even though they are directly hit by my lightning release, there is no scratch on them."

"You motherfu##er, bring it back," Chiyo said as she tried to get up.

"You're going to die anyway so you don't need it anymore, and also this is the so-called spoils of war so it's impossible for me to give it back to you or Suna Village." Ryuu said while swinging his sword toward Chiyo.

Ryuu sensed danger coming from behind him when Chiyo attacked, so he quickly moved away from the oncoming attack towards.

After dodging the attack, Ryuu looked at where he was before, and found iron sands in the form of sharp needles piercing the ground, Ryuu think , 'This is iron sand, it's the Kekiki Genki of the Third Kazekage.'

Ryuu looked around and saw where the Kazekage was standing, then Ryuu looked at the Kazekage and smiled. He had no fear in his heart, of the appearance of the Kage of Suna Village. "Kazikage, I wonder what you are doing outside your village, are you not afraid that someone will attack your village, when you are not there."

"This has nothing to do with you, kid," the Kazekage said as iron sand formed around him and was ready to attack Ryuu.

The Third Kazekage was a tall man with fair complexion. He had short messy dark-blue hair and narrow yellow eyes. He wore the normal Kazekage attire minus the Kage hat, plus a flowing ankle-length white cape.

In general, the Kage of Ninja Village will sit in Ninja Village and give pointers to the country. They will not go to the battlefield unless they have to.

The Kazekage and Jinchuuriki left Suna Village without telling anyone so that no information about their exit from the village would be leaked.

His plan was to gather Suna's troops and launch a sneak attack on Konoha's troops.

Presumably, Konoha will not receive the news. The massive attack from Suna's troops would be enough to surprise Konoha's troops, and Konoha would not be able to respond in time. When the time comes, he will defeat Konoha outright.

If this really happened, and Ryuu wasn't around, Konoha Village would have suffered a huge loss due to the Suna Village attack. This is because in the troops of Suna village there will be two Kage and two semi-Kage and more than 6000 ninja, while in the troops of Konoha there will be one Kage (Sakumo), one semi-Kage (Tsunade) and 5210 ninja, and it is clear which village will suffer many losses.

"Kazikage-sama, be careful of this kid, he's too strong, he also defeated me and stole the ten puppets I was using," Chiyo shouted to warn the Third Kazekage of Ryuu's strength.

"The puppets you are using? These ten puppets were created by the first puppeteer Monzaemon Chikamatsu. Kid, what about this? If you return the puppets, I will leave your body intact after I kill you." These puppets were made by the first and best puppet maker in the history of Suna village so the Kazekage didn't want to lose such powerful and rare puppets.

"Do you think you can kill me? You won't be able to kill me in your entire life. Also, don't speak words like that because it will make you look like an idiot later." Ryuu smiled and taunted the Kazekage.

'Sarah, show the stats of the Third Kazekage'

[nickname: Third Kazekage




'He's much stronger than me but slower than me' Ryuu thought, then an idea came and he smiled and Ryuu activated his Sharingan for the first time since the start of the battle. He begins to focus on how the chakra flows and how the two different chakra natures merge when the Kazekage uses Iron Sand.

[Note: I don't know if the Sharingan can really do this or not, but I will write it like this]

The Kazekage was not irritated by Ryuu's words, but said softly, "You're self-conceited, kid. For someone who's about to die, you're talking meaningless words."

"The one who's about to die is y....." Ryuu couldn't finish his words because he was vomiting blood from his mouth and then fell to the ground and didn't stand up.

"You're so careless that you didn't notice that one of my poisoned iron needles had scratched your leg. I didn't lie to you a little while ago. If you had given me the puppets, I would have left your body intact, but you wouldn't listen to me so I would crush your body." When the Kazekahi finished, he collected iron sands to form a giant block, and then tried to use it to crush Ryuu's body lying on the ground.

"Giant Hammer"

A giant block hit Ryuu's place, dust rose and covered the surrounding area, the Kazekage looked at Chiyo and said "Bring the puppets"

At this moment, two Rasengan came out of the dusty area and headed towards the Kazekage, one of the Rasengan is red and the other is white.

The Kazekage noticed the attack so he gathered iron sands to form a wall to repel the attack.

Before the two Rasengan reached the iron sand wall, the two Rasengan collided with each other, and an explosion occurred.

"You made my wonderful acting go to waste, you should have approached me to take the dolls, I would have given you a death so fast that you wouldn't even notice that you were dead," Ryuu spoke with a sigh.

In fact, Ryuu was not poisoned at all, but he deliberately pretended that he was poisoned to make the Kazekage lower his guard and approach him, but it seems that he did not expect the Kazekage to attack him from afar, which made his plan completely fail.