23- Save Kushina (The Final Part)

After killing Renko, Ryuu deactivated the Susanoo, because he was feeling severe pain and headaches when using it.

'Damn that's too painful, I have to find a way to evolve the Mangekyou Sharingan to the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan or find a way to use the Susanoo without needing a Mangekyou Sharingan like Madara' thought Ryuu.

After deactivating the Susanoo, Ryuu went to Kushina's side.

"Ryuu, thank God you're okay" Kushina shouted hugging Ryuu tightly and started crying, she thought Ryuu died in the explosion.

"It's okay, Kushina, I'm fine," Ryuu said while hugging Kushina as well as he stroked her back.

"Let me kill the last person and I will come back to you," Ryuu said to Kushina in a soft tone. Kushina nodded and walked away from him.

Ryuu looked around but couldn't find Kato, 'It looks like he ran away while I was talking to Kushina'

Then Ryuu used his chakra sense to find the whereabouts of Kato who had escaped.

'He's farther away than I expected,' Ryuu thought. He sensed the direction in which Kato was fleeing, who was fleeing in the opposite direction of Konoha.

"Kushina, wait for me here, I'll be back soon," he said, then used his body flicker to go very fast in the direction Kato ran to.


'I should tell Danzo-sama about this quickly, I didn't expect Ryuu Uchiha to be this strong' Kato thought as he remembered the scene where Renko was crushed by Susanoo, he was so terrified so he ran as fast as he could.

As he ran away, he sensed danger coming from behind him, so he quickly jumped to the left. The place he was in before was full of shurikens.

'Damn he followed me so quickly' He looked behind him but couldn't find Ryuu anywhere.

Suddenly, more than twenty Ryuu surrounded him. After seeing them, Kato quickly performed hand seals.

After Cato had completed the hand seals, he placed both palms on the ground and sent the chakra to the ground, a 6 inch spikes raise out of the ground sticking straight up. This extends about Kato 25 feet in each direction. The only spot unaffected is the small 5-foot-wide circle where Kato stands.

After he completed the jutsu, the twenty Ryuu jumped to Kato's direction. But at this moment Kato smiled and made a single hand seal and presses their hands onto the ground again. He sent the chakra to the ground, causing all the nails to fly out of the ground.

Earth Release: Rock Thorn Launch Jutsu"

The spikes turned toward the twenty Ryuu and hit them, but when the attack hit them, all twenty Ryuu turned into crows, and headed toward Kato.

"Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow"

"Damn it, how long have I been in an illusion?"The crows were blurring Kato's vision and hovering around him. Suddenly he heard the sound of several birds chirping and saw a lightning light in front of him. But he could not dodge in time.

Ryuu's hand using Chidori pierced Kato's chest. Then he pulled his hand from Cato's chest and said, "It was easy to put you in an illusion because of your great fear and turmoil of your feelings."

After Ryuu withdrew his hand, Kato's body fell to the ground.

After thinking for a moment, Ryuu removed all the Explosive Tags from Kato's body. Then he picked up Kato's body and went to Kushina's whereabouts.

When Ryuu arrived at Kushina's whereabouts, seeing her absentmindedly, he dropped Kato's body on the ground and approached her, and said to her with a smile, "Why are you so distracted, aren't you afraid of being kidnapped again? Well, even if you are kidnapped again, I will save you."

Kushina heard Ryuu's voice and looked at him, feeling warm in her heart upon hearing the last part of Ryuu's words.

"What were you thinking?" Ryuu said while sitting next to Kushina.

"I was thinking, because of me you put your life in danger and even when I regained consciousness I couldn't help you in the fight and when you nearly died in the explosion I felt that I was useless and that I caused your death, I want to become stronger to help you in the fight, I want to become stronger to protect myself so that you don't risk yourself to protect me"

While she was speaking, Kushina started crying, and when Kushina said the last part, there was firmness in her voice and there was a strong desire to become stronger and she vowed to herself to become stronger.

When Ryuu saw Kushina crying while saying these words, Ryuu gently hugged her and said, "It's okay I won't die, also I'm sure you'll get stronger."

After Kushina calmed down, Ryuu wiped the tears from her eyes and said gently, "Let's go home, you must be tired from everything that happened today."

Then Ryuu helped Kushina to stand up, and when she was ready to go back to Konoha she saw that Ryuu went to Kato's body and carried him, she asked suspiciously, "Why are you going to ban this with us?"

"I will take his body for the Hokage to check his identity," Ryuu answered Kushina's question. He hoped Hiruzen would do something about Danzo after providing evidence of Kushina's abduction. The best evidence was the body of this person from the Yamanaka clan.

Suddenly five people appeared in front of Ryuu and Kushina, Tsunade and Mikoto were among them and the remaining three were Chunin from Konoha.

"Kushina, are you okay?" After they arrived, Mikoto hugged Kushina. She was very worried about her since she disappeared and when she found out that Kushina had been kidnapped, she was even more worried.

"I'm fine, sorry to make you worried, Mikoto," Kushina said

"Sorry for being late, but apparently you could have saved Kushina without our help, and what is this body you're carrying?" Tsunade said apologetically, then asked what body Ryuu was carrying.

"He's one of the people who kidnapped Kushina, I'll take him to Konoha to confirm his identity, but I'd prefer the Hokage to examine him personally," Ryuu replied. He hoped that Tsunade would help him convince Hiruzen to personally examine the body.

"Okay, I'll tell Sarutobi-sensei about that," Tsunade said to Ryuu.