30- family

The next day, at noon.

A 15-year-old boy knocked on Ryuu's bedroom door, but Ryuu did not respond, so the boy entered the room.

The boy had short, shoulder-length brown hair and onyx-colored eyes, and had a stern look on his face, wearing a simple kimono with gray pants bearing the clan symbol on his back.

Fugaku spoke to Ryuu sternly when he saw him sleeping, "Ryuu, wake up, it's already noon and you're late for your training."

"Fugaku-nii-san, give me a moment and I'll get up." Although Ryuu said this, he was still asleep and did not wake up.

"Wake up. Mikoto is here to visit you. If you don't, I'll tell her to come later." Fugaku said when he saw that Ryuu hadn't woken up and then walked out of Ryuu's bedroom.

"Wait, I'm going to change my clothes. Tell her to wait for me a bit." Ryuu said to Fugaku as he got out of bed quickly and then started changing his clothes.

Half a minute later, Ryuu came out of his room, but only found his adoptive mother, his adoptive father, and Fugaku sitting in front of the dining table, and lunch was ready, and there was no Mikoto.

Ryuu's adoptive mother's name is Fuku.

Ryuu's adoptive mother is fair-skinned with long, straight black hair that reaches the thigh area, and her eyes are black. She wore a simple dark blue blouse with a black skirt and bright red apron. Although she was 45 years old, anyone who saw her would estimate her 30 years.

"Where is Mikoto?" Ryuu asked them as soon as he reached the dining table.

"Mikoto's not here, who told you that Mikoto has come to our house," Fugaku said seriously.

"You're the one who told me that," Ryuu said in annoyance, while pointing at Fugaku with his finger.

"I don't remember telling you this, Ka-san did you see me enter Ryuu's room?" Fugaku said to Ryuu seriously and then asked his mother.

"Let me think a bit.... I didn't see you enter Ryuu's room, you've been sitting here the whole time" Fuku thought for a while while placing her index finger on her chin and then answering Fugaku's question.

'Do I have hallucinations' Ryuu started doubting himself.

'No, I'm sure Fugaku-nii-san came into my room to wake me up, did someone enter my room disguised as Fugakku-nii-san' Ryuu started to think seriously, but at this moment he heard everyone in the room laughing.

"Hehehehe, Ka-san your idea was great, you made him get out of his room quickly," Fugaku laughed, while praising his mother's idea.

"Haha, I told you I'm always right" Foucault laughed as she put her right hand over her mouth.

"Hahaha, did you two see his serious expression a while ago, it seems he totally believed what you said." Souta laughed at the serious expression Ryuu showed on his face.

Ryuu was shocked and then realized what was happening, he was totally fooled by his mother and fugaku, their facial expressions were serious so he didn't realize they were joking with him.

"It's not funny at all," Ryuu said while his eyelids twitched. He was a little annoyed by this.

"Well, don't be upset, we're kidding, come and have lunch with us," Fuku said with a smile.

"Okay," Ryuu said and then sat down with them.

Then Ryuu looked at Fugaku and said seriously, "But I won't believe you anymore if you lie to me again."

Fugaku smiled and said, "What if I say the same thing next time, will you wake up?"

"If you thought I was lying and you didn't wake up at that moment, and Mikoto was really waiting, how would you feel when you knew I wasn't lying to you?" Fugaku's smile widened as he said this.

"That would be a fun event to see." Souta smiled as he imagined it was happening.

Ryuu imagined himself doing it. Then he smiled bitterly and said, "That would be very embarrassing."

"Well, let's stop talking now and let's start eating," said Fuku.

"Itadakimas," they all said at the same time, and they started eating.

After a while they finished eating lunch.

"Ryuu-chan, can you wash the dishes with me? You haven't helped me for a long time," said Fuku, while holding the dishes.

"Okay." Ryuu helped her carry the dishes, clean the dining table, wash the dishes with her, and then they went to the living room.

The two watched Souta and Fugaku talking and laughing and then went and shared the conversation.

When Ryuu saw everyone smiling and looking happy, he also smiled and felt happy because he got a new life.

In his previous life, he became an orphan when he was six years old, so he did not remember many memories when he was with his parents.

After he became an orphan, his uncle took care of him, but his uncle spends most of his time at work, so he made his wife take care of him, but his uncle's wife treated him badly, and when he told his uncle about it when his uncle came back from work, he did not believe him.

Because of the bad treatment, he did not feel happy living with his uncle, so he did not talk to them much anymore and isolated himself in his room and started watching anime and read manga and novels.

So he felt very happy in this new life, even though Souta, Fuku and Fugaku are not related by blood, he really considers them his family.

After an hour of sitting and talking to his family, he told them, "Okay, I have to go to training."

"You're not going to training today, it's been over a month since we last met like this so you're going to take a break today, and also you have to come with me shopping for dinner ingredients, it's been a long time since we last went out together" before Ryuu left Fuku grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him to take a break from training.

Fuku has been dissatisfied with her son lately, when we were younger, he was always with her and would help her with cleaning the house or shopping, but when she went out he didn't do any of that anymore and was always training or going on a date with Mikoto and Kushina.

"Okay, Ka-san, I'll go shopping with you." Ryuu sighed and then spoke with a smile.
