56- "We have to kill him at any cost."

The sound of hand-to-hand combat resounded in the entire army immediately, followed by the roar of the ninjutsu colliding with each other.

"Use poisons, make them regret attacking us."

"Don't be afraid, they are much less than our numbers, we have an advantage over them."

As soon as Chiyo and Ebizō pacify the ninjas of the Suna camp, a fierce battle begins between the Konoha ninjas and the Suna ninjas.

But what the Suna camp ninja didn't expect was that their poisons became almost useless because all Konoha ninjas had an antidote to the poisons that Chiyo had created.

Tsunade and the Medical Ninjas have gone to great lengths to create a sufficient antidote for all the Ninjas currently engaged in the war.

Although the poisons are useless, the Suna ninja's numbers are still larger, which gives them an advantage in the war.

Ryuu slashed the throat of the Suna ninja in front of him with a kunai, then spoke to Sayuri, "Sayuri, keep an eye on Kushina and Mikoto. If they're in danger, help them."

"Okay, I'll do this. But I'm curious what you're going to try," Sayuri said while looking at Ryuu.

Ryuu smiled and spoke, "I will directly hack Suna's troops to get to the leaders and kill them quickly."

After Ryuu had his word, he immediately rushed over to Chiyo's location that he had seen earlier and located her.٧

He had checked Chiyo and Ebizō's strength earlier and neither of them had reached Kage level, and he was sure of defeating them even without using his Sharingan.


[Name: Chiyo


AGI=Elite Jonin=65

Chakra=Elite Jonin=539]

[Name: Ebizō


AGI=Elite Jonin=72

Chakra=Elite Jonin=763]


"Boy, come back here. Do you want to die by going there?" A Konoha ninja noticed Ryuu leaving the squad and engaging with the enemy alone as he tried to advance.

Ryuu didn't care about the screaming ninja behind him and moved forward.

He was in front of Ryuu 6 ninja Suna, as soon as they saw him they started laughing and mocking.

"Hehehehe, I didn't expect Konoha to let such a young kid go to the battlefield. Doesn't Konoha have a ninja anymore?"

"I did not expect to send such a kid to the battlefield."

"Kill him, no sympathy for enemies even if they are kid"

One of the ninja came forward and tried to cut Ryuu using the kunai, but as soon as the kunai reached Ryuu's body he disappeared from his place, Ryuu moved so fast that the ninja couldn't see him, "Damn, where is he?"

Moments later, the ninja's head flew from its place and then fell to the ground. The ninja still had some consciousness that remained for seconds. In these seconds, he saw his headless body falling to the ground.

'Impossible, is this my body?' These were his last thoughts.

After killing the ninja he used one hand seal, took a deep breath and then exhaled a very hot fire from his mouth. After the fire escaped from Ryuu's mouth, he manipulated it into an eastern dragon shape and then divided it into five eastern dragons and shot towards the five ninjas in front of him.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet."

The fire in the form of dragons hit the five ninjas and turned them into ashes due to its intense heat. Then the dragons continued to move forward, turning ten ninjas into ashes before they were extinguished.

Almost all Suna ninjas noticed Ryuu's presence after using this jutsu.

After that, Ryuu rushed towards the Suna ninja in front of him.

"How is this possible?"

"Damn this kid ain't easy"

The rest of the Suna ninjas reacted quickly, and their faces was full of solemnity and seriousness.

Ryuu gathered the lightning chakra in both of my hands, after a while the lightning flowed heavily from his hands, then Ryuu waved his hands towards the group of ninjas in front of him.

"Chidori Senbon."

Lightning flashed and then turned into a group of fine needles, the needles pierced the bodies of dozens of Suna Ninjas, all of the Suna Ninjas that had been hit by the attack fell dead, with a look of panic and unwillingness on their faces.

Not only were the Suna ninjas shocked by Ryuu's strength, but even the Konoha ninjas were shocked and no one expected Ryuu to be this strong.

"Sister, did you see this?" Ebizō was very shocked at the strength Ryuu had shown.

"Yes. Also, the lightning technique the kid just used, I hadn't seen it before, which means he invented it." Chiyo spoke while gritting her teeth.

"This kid is stronger than Elite Jonin."Chiyo looked at Ryuu who was killing her village ninja as he was heading towards her, then spoke to her brother, "Ebizō let's kill him quickly, if this kid is so strong at this young age, he'll get stronger when he grows up and no one can stop him anymore."

Not only Chiyo wanted Ryuu dead but all Suna ninjas who saw the power he showed wanted to kill this threat, because they think if Ryuu was given enough time to grow he would be at Kage level, but they don't know that Ryuu is already at Kage level.

"We have to kill this kid"

"No matter what method is used, we must kill this kid."

Dozens of Suna ninjas immediately ran towards Ryuu, trying to kill him at any cost.

All Suna ninjas used their best wind jutsu and shot Ryuu towards Ryuu, believing that this attack was enough to kill or seriously injure Ryuu.

Tens of strong wind jutsu headed toward Ryuu. Facing the force that seemed to be able to smash him into minced meat, Ryuu's expression didn't change and he just stood there thinking, 'They're like flies, no matter how many of them you kill, more will come forward. If I continue like this, I won't reach Chiyo's location and I won't be able to kill her in time.'