37- Signing a summons contract

The moment Ryuu came out of his stupor, he saw the giant fox shrinking in size and transforming into a human form.

Turned into a man, he looks like a 30-year-old with yellow hair and hazel eyes and is very handsome and he has a lean, muscular body, as if he trained extensively to make his body fit.

He wore a male cheongsam, a Chinese costume consisting of a blue shirt with a nine-tailed fox on the back, and black pants.

After turning into a human, he walked to the entrance that Ryuu had chosen and before entering it he smiled and spoke to Ryuu, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shoichi, nice to meet you."

"My name is Ryuu Uchiha, nice to meet you too. But I didn't expect that you could transform into a human figure. I thought you were under 50 but it looks like you've outgrown this uncle." Ryuu spoke in astonishment as he looked at Shoichi who had turned into a human as he walked into the entrance with him.

'Damn, I hate to admit it but he looks more handsome than me and Minato. No, I'm still young I'll be more handsome when I get older, maybe' Ryuu kind of started to get jealous of Shoichi's looks so handsome.

"Well, I'm 346 years old. You must have thought I was younger than 50 because I only appeared in front of you as a fox at first," Shoichi spoke with a slight smile.

When they both entered the entrance, the space in front of them fluctuated. When Ryuu regained his sight he had been teleported in front of the giant pagoda he had seen earlier.

When they approached the gate there were two guards wearing shiny golden armor, but what shocked Ryuu was that they were also more handsome than him but less handsome than Shoichi.

"Shoichi-sama, Sho-sama is waiting for you inside." The two guards spoke at the same time.

"Okay," Shoichi said, then walked inside the pagoda and Ryuu walked behind him.

When they both entered the pagoda, they went to the fifth floor. As they walked, they met several servants and greeted Shoichi.

When Ryuu saw the servants, he wanted to cry, all the male servants were more handsome than him and the females were very beautiful. 'I feel like an ugly boy who moved to a school full of handsome students'

Ryuu previously thought himself to be the most handsome young man in the ninja world and a little more handsome than Minato. But when he saw these foxes, he felt very inferior, as if the gods favored them, so she gave them the finest physical qualities.

While Ryuu was thinking, they reached the fifth floor, and in front of them was a large door and on either side of the door there were two statues in the shape of a nine-tailed fox.

The door opened and Ryuu and Shoichi walked inside. As soon as Ryuu entered, he saw a young man of 20 years old sitting on a throne who was dressed in royal clothes in red, and there was an image of a nine-tailed fox embroidered on his back and chest with golden threads.

The young man possessed long fiery red hair, and very attractive crimson eyes, resembling ruby ​​that could charm anyone who looked at him.

He has a Shoichi-like physique, and still had a somewhat noble compelling feeling. Even just standing there, he gave Ryuu a kind of intangible pressure.

'Damn, this guy is more handsome than Shuichi, I feel a lot of pressure coming from him and he looks a lot stronger than the current Hokage.'

"Oto-sama, I brought the person who passed all the tests, his name is Ryuu Uchiha." Shoichi bowed to the young man and addressed him very respectfully.

'Wait a minute did he just say Oto-sama, is this guy Shoichi's father' Ryuu was shocked because this guy looks like 20 and Shoichi looks like 30.

The young man smiled and got up and walked towards Ryuu and spoke to him, "Welcome to my clan, I am the head of the Nine-Tails Fox Clan, my name is Sho."

'Is he the 532-year-old clan chief? I thought he was an old man with white hair and wrinkles on his face.'

"Nice to meet you, Sho-sama." Ryuu instinctively addressed Sho respectfully.

Sho smiled and took out a roll of his robe, opened it and laid it on the ground, and said, "Sign your name here using your blood."

'It's the same scrolls you used to come here' Ryuu cut his thumb to get blood out and then signed his name on the scrolls and his name was the first name he signed on.

When Ryuu was signing the contract, a small fox with silver fur that was the size of a cat entered the room. "Oto-sama, Ojii-sama, I heard someone passed the test and we're going to sign a contract with him."

"Sayuri-chan you're here, yes this is Ryuu Uchiha who passed the test and just signed a summon contract with us." Sho smiled and held the little fox in his arms. He loved his little granddaughter so he pampered her a lot and would give her anything she wanted to have.

Sayuri jumped out of her grandfather's arms and approached Ryuu and spoke to him with sparkling eyes, "Hello, my name is Sayuri, I want to go with you to see the outside world."

"No, that's rejected. You can't go to the outside world, you're still too young." Shoichi refused her request completely, causing Sayuri to be shocked because her request was rejected for the first time.

"What do you mean I'm young? I'm 46 and I'm old and strong enough to protect myself from danger" Sayuri began to object to her father's decision not to let her go out and see the outside world.

"I guess you shouldn't go out into the outside world now because there's a war going on soon between the ninja village, and that's very dangerous" Sho spoke to his granddaughter seriously, he didn't want her to go to war and get killed there.

Sayuri's talent is so great that no one has ever shown a similar talent to her in the history of their clan, and Sho believed that with Sayuri's talent, Sayuri could live 1,000 years and achieve their family legend, so he didn't want her to die.

"So how about this if I defeat Ryuu Uchiha, she will let me go out into the outside world."
