Extra Chapter 1: Ryuzu Uchiha

nine years ago.

In a hospital in the village of Konoha.

There was a pregnant woman from the Senju clan in the operating theater who was about to give birth to her child.

Outside, in front of the operating room door, her husband was worried about her and the newborn baby.

After a while, the medical-nin came out of the operating room, and she had a sad expression on the face, and said to the woman's husband, "I'm sorry Ryuzu-sama, we couldn't save your wife, but the newborn baby is fine."

When he heard the news of his wife's death, Ryuzu was very sad and tears started to come out of his eyes. He didn't expect his wife to die in childbirth. "Where is my baby, I want to see him, bring him to me."

"I can't allow this, the baby needs to be examined further."The medical-nin did not agree to give the baby to Ryuzu.

Ryuzu pushed the medical-nin aside, entered the operating room and saw his dead wife. He went to her side and pulled the cover off her face and looked at her tired face due to childbirth, but there was a small smile on her face as if she was happy because her son was fine. Seeing his wife in this state, tears started to flow heavily and then he spoke softly, "Don't worry Saika, I'll take good care of our baby."

"Honey, I'll get back to you later." After Ryuzu said those words, he covered his wife's face and then walked over to medical-nin who was holding the baby.

"Give me my baby"

"I can't hand you the baby, we have to do more tests," said the medical-nin seriously, and she refused to hand the baby over.

Ryuzu didn't care what the medical-nin was saying and his eyes turned red and there were three tomoes spinning inside of it. He looked into the medical-nin's eyes and plunged them into illusion.

Ryuzu took the baby from the medical-nin's hand and started walking out of the hospital.

Several medical-nin tried to convince him to keep the baby with them, but he did not listen to them and he got out of the hospital and went to a friend's house.

When Ryuzu arrived at a friend's house, he knocked on the door of the house. After that, his friend came out of the house, and his friend wanted to welcome him, but he saw the serious look on Ryuzu's face, "Ryuzu, what is the matter and what are you carrying in your hands?"

"My wife gave birth and this is my baby and she died in childbirth, I came to you because your wife is a medical-nin and she has a baby so she has experience in dealing with babies. I don't have time to explain more about me doing something." Ryuzu spoke quickly, gave the baby to his friend, and then quickly moved away using the Body Flicker technique.

"Ryuzu wait where are you going" his friend shouted after him but he didn't get an answer.

Several hours later, in the middle of the night, Ryuzu returned to his friend's house.

When Ryuzu wanted to knock on the door, it opened and his friend walked out of the house, a serious expression on his face, "Ryuzu, tell me what's going on and where you have been."

"Suota, I will explain everything to you. Let me see the baby first." Ryuzu spoke and then they both entered the house.

Inside the house, Souta's wife was holding the baby in her arms. When she saw the entry of her husband and her brother, she came to them and said to Ryuzu" He is a boy, have you decided his name?"

Ryuzu took the child from the hands of his friend's wife(sister) and replied, "His name will be Ryuu, Ryuu Uchiha."

"Ryuzu, start explaining now," Souta said.

"When I heard that my wife died in childbirth, I couldn't believe it. Saika was from the Senju clan and had a strong vitality and a strong body. It is impossible to die from fatigue during childbirth, so I entered the operating room directly and went to check on my wife but I found her really dead." Ryuzu spoke very sadly and tears were flowing from his eyes, every time he remembered this situation he couldn't hold back the tears from stopping.

Then the sad expression on his face and eyes turned to hatred and anger, "I started thinking that someone had assassinated Saika, then I remembered the assassinations targeting the Senju clan and I'm sure of my guess, so I worried about my child who might stay in the hospital with people I don't know so I got him out of there quickly. I brought him here."

"So what did you do next, why did you leave him here and go?" Fuku sighed and then asked her brother. She was sad because her brother lost his wife whom he loved so much.

When Ryuzu heard Fuku's question, he gritted his teeth and spoke angrily, "I had to leave him here to go examine my wife's body to confirm my guess. My guess was correct, there was a poison inside her body that damaged her internal organs. Then I took my wife's body out of the hospital and took her to the Senju clan, And I told them what happened."

"Most of them believed me and sent people to find the killer, but some of them accused me of lying and that it was I who killed my wife." When he spoke the last words, he squeezed his fist so hard in anger that he cut himself.

"Then I went back to the hospital and read the memories of all the medical-nin who were in the operating room at the time using the Mangekyo Sharingan, and I found the one who put poison to my wife."

"So did you kill him?" Souta asked.

Ryuzu shook his head in denial, "I really wanted this, but if I killed her, I would get into many problems with the village for two reasons. First, if I killed her, I would be found out because everyone knows that I lost my wife today, and they will think I killed her out of anger, and I may be imprisoned or exiled for this and even And if I tell them that She killed my wife, no one will believe me because She destroyed all the evidence that proves that She poisoned my wife."

"The second reason for not killing her is because She is from the Sarutobi clan and he is the daughter of an elder. If you kill her, it will aggravate the situation between the current Hokage and the Uchiha clan."

"So I went to the Senju clan again and told them the identity of the killer and because She destroyed all the evidence we decided to take the help of the Yamanaka clan to examine her memories after his capture. We managed to catch her and the truth was revealed with the help of the Yamanaka clan members." Even after speaking these words, Ryuzu seemed annoyed.

"If the killer is revealed, why do you look so upset?" Fuku was suspicious of Ryuzu's annoyance.

"Because the damned Hokage didn't decide to execute the traitor but decided to imprison her." When Ryuzu said this he was so angry that he wanted to break the table in front of him, but he didn't do it for fear of waking up the baby.

At this moment the door was knocked, causing Ryuzu to frown because he had a bad feeling that the next person would not bring good news. Ryuzu and Souta both went to see who had come at this time of night.

When they opened the door, they found a young man from the Uchiha clan who had a worried face and said, "Ryuzu-sama, Souta-sama, Sarutobi Yai escaped from prison."