Extra Chapter 2: "Can we kill her?"

"Ryuzu is she the one you were talking about before?" Souta asked. After that, he saw Ryuzu nodded, a look of anger on his face, then Ryuzu moved very quickly away from Souta's house and went to find the medical-nin who had killed his wife.

When Souta saw that his friend had gone, he began to give orders to the ninja in front of him, "Send a picture of the girl to all the Konoha Military Police Force. I want them to find her quickly, and to check the cell she was imprisoned in as well, I want to know if she escaped by herself or got outside help."

After he heard the orders, the ninja quickly went to deliver Souta's orders to the Konoha Military Police Force.

'I have to go to the Hokage and take his permission to kill her before Ryuzu reaches her and kills her' Souta quickly moved towards the Hokage's building.


Half an hour before Sarutobi Yai escaped.

In the Hokage building.

Ryuzu destroys the door of the Hokage's office and wants to get out of the building, angry upon hearing the Hokage's decision to imprison his wife's murderer and not execute her.

"Ryuzu, come back here. We haven't finished the discussion yet." The Hokage was not satisfied with Ryuzu's berserk behavior.

"But I'm done with your fucking nonsense" Ryuzu didn't listen to Hiruzen and walked away.

When Ryuzu said those insulting words to the Hokage, the ANBU blocked his path and surrounded him from all angles.

When they wanted to attack Ryuzu, the Hokage stopped them, "Don't attack him. Ryuzu I'm sorry but I can't execute her now."

"So when are you going to execute her, we have already extracted all the information from her and we know that she betrayed Konoha and helped another village to assassinate my wife." Ryuzu said and then used the Body Flicker technique to go away, he didn't want to talk about this anymore because it was almost impossible to convince The Hokage kills a member of the village even if that person has betrayed him.

"Hirozen, why did you let him go, he insulted you a while ago." Danzo asked the Hokage.

"He is angry and sad because his wife was killed, so I don't blame him for doing this." The Hokage spoke while sighing. He didn't expect Yai to be a murderer, she was close to him. He considered her like his little sister, he started to think, 'She was a cute girl, I didn't expect Yai to do this, was she getting close to me on purpose?, Did I make the right decision not to execute her?'

"He might be angry with the killer, but you made him angrier when you decided not to execute the killer. In fact, I am also dissatisfied with your decision and I hope you will change it soon." The Senju Clan Chief spoke to Hiruzen and walked out of the Hokage's office.

"Danzo, did you really make the wrong decision?" Hiruzen asked his friend, but he didn't hear an answer to his question, so he looked at Danzo and found him deep in thought.

"Danzo, why are you so absent-minded?" Hiruzen patted his friend on the shoulder to cut off his thoughts.

"Nothing. As for your previous question, yes, you were wrong. You should have executed her." Danzo came out of his thoughts and answered Hiruzen's question.


Souta arrived at the Hokage's building and went straight to the Hokage's office and found the door destroyed. He thought the Hokage had been attacked. So he quickly entered the office to check on the Hokage.

He saw the Hokage sitting on a chair in front of his desk and smoking, "Hokage-sama, are you okay, were you attacked?".

"It's okay, I'm fine Souta. The person who broke the door is Ryuzu. So why did you come here, do you need me for anything?" The Hokage sighed and replied to Souta, then asked him.

"Sarutobi Yai escaped from prison so I want the Hokage to ask for Yamanaka clan's help to locate her escape, and also I want to ask your permission to allow us to kill her if she resists when we try to capture her." Souta said directly why he came to the Hokage.

"Has she escaped from prison? It seems that the Uchiha are not doing his job well. How did she escape from a prison guarded by many Uchiha?" Danzo, who was also present, spoke sarcastically.

Souta stared at Danzo sharply but he couldn't refute his words because what he said was true, the prison was guarded by the Uchiha so they should take the blame for her escaping.

"Danzo, stop making unnecessary trouble." Hiruzen said to Danzo, then looked at Souta and said, "The news of her escaping has already come, and I sent an Anbu to ask for help from the Yamanaka clan."

"Then what about my other request?" Souta said to Hokage because he noticed that Hiruzen had not talked about it.

"Well I agree if she resists you can kill her." Hiruzen had known Yai since she was a child so it was really hard for him to give the order to kill her, but after hearing his friend's opinion that she should have been executed and the dissatisfaction that Ryuzu and the Senju clan leader showed because he only wanted to imprison her, So he decided to agree to Souta's request.

'Good now if Ryuzu finds her and kills her, there will be no problems on the Hokage's side' Souta thought.

"I'm leaving now. I have to go to lead the Uchiha to look for her," Souta said as he exited the Hokage's building and went to the prison place to check how she escaped.

When he arrived at the prison, he found the three Uchiha members checking how she escaped. He approached them and asked them what they had discovered from their investigation.

"The five guards who were guarding her cell were killed around the same time and the cell was opened from the outside, so we believe she got help from outside. We also discovered that one person who helped her has very high assassination and concealment skills, to the point that he entered the prison without If someone notices him, he killed five guards at the same time, and he took the prisoner out with him quietly, and they were not noticed by the rest of the prison guards."

"Why do you think it's one person, maybe there are more." Souta asked skeptically how they found out that the intruder was one person when no one had seen him.

"Because all the guards were killed in a very similar way, so we think either he was very quick and accurate to kill them at the same time or he used an elemental cloning technique," ​​one Uchiha explained his conclusion.

"Not necessarily, it's possible that they are five people, with the same skills." The second Uchiha refuted the words of the first Uchiha.

"Is this girl that important, to have them send five skilled people to save her?" The first Uchiha was unconvinced by the second Uchiha's conclusion.

"Is this girl that important, to have them send someone very powerful to save her?" The second Uchiha said at the same time, after that they looked at each other's eyes causing sparks to fly between them.

"Stop it. Did you find out any traces of their escape direction or anything of use?" Soota was annoyed by the argument in front of him so he quickly silenced them, then asked what useful things they had discovered.

"No matter how many people have taken the girl out of prison, they are so skilled that they leave no trace to indicate the direction of their escape," the third Uchiha replied to Souta's question.

"So in other words, you didn't find anything of any use," Souta sighed, causing all three Uchihas to scratch the back of their heads in shame.
