Extra Chapter 3: Chikao Uchiha

There were 3 people standing close to the prison guarded by the Uchiha clan. The three of them were dressed in black and hid their faces and were standing in a shaded and dark place so that no one could see them easily.

One of the three spoke, "Kawa, you know what you're doing, let's get started."

"I know," Kawa replied as the three ran towards the prison. Meanwhile, Kawa made some hand seals.

"Masking Release: Perfect stealth."

At this moment, an invisible chakra erupted from Kawa's body and covered him and his comrades.

Immediately after that, they entered the prison. They passed many guards, but the guards could not see them or feel their movements.

The three arrived at the place where Yai was imprisoned, and saw two guards standing in front of the door of Yai's cell, a guard going around each cell and inspecting the prisoners, and two guards guarding the road leading to the cells.

"We have to kill them all at the same time so that we don't get caught and make a fuss." Masao, the leader of the group that broke into the prison, said. If they kill them one by one, others may notice and this may cause problems for them when escaping and they may be arrested.

"Let's scatter and kill them at the same time, my stealth technique can keep you hidden even after you've been away from me," Kawa said as he walked toward the guard who was inspecting the prisoners.

The three dispersed and killed all the guards at the same time, then cleaned up the traces of the killing and gathered all five bodies together, then used Kawa Jutsu on the guards' bodies and made them disappear from view temporarily.

After that they went to the cell that Yai was locked up in. They easily opened the cell, and entered.

As soon as they entered, Kawa canceled a concealment technique, all of them appeared in front of Yai, Masao removed the mask from his face and approached Yai and spoke anxiously, "Yai, are you okay? I came to save you."

"Masao, you really came to save me," Yai said with tears in her eyes, she was glad that her lover came to save her.

"I'm sorry I made you go through all this." Masao hugged Yai and apologized to her.

"I would do anything to be with you so there is no need to apologize," Yai said while hugging Masao tightly as well.

A few days ago, Masao came to Yai's house and asked for a favor from her, and in return he would take her out of Konohagakure, and they would be together and could marry and they didn't need to hide their relationship anymore.

Yai's dream was to be with her lover and marry him and not to hide the truth of their relationship, so she did not care even if she killed one of them in order to achieve this.

"Ginjiro, check the seal on Yai," Masao said to the third person who came with him.

Ginjiro walked over to Yai's side and placed his index finger on her forehead and after a moment said, "The seal I put on is partially broken."

A seal was placed on Yai's memories and using it the connection between Yai and Masao or anything related to Yai's killing of Saika was hidden.

"The fact that she is the killer is revealed but before the truth of your relationship is revealed, the backup seal has been activated to alter memories to make them believe she betrayed them to Kiri Village." Ginjiro says, Ginjiro is a missing-nin from the Uzumaki clan and he developed this seal himself.

"That's fine, come on let's go, we'll get out of Konoha right now," Masao said while picking up Yai.

Kawa used the Masking Release: Perfect stealth again on everyone, and then they started moving out of Konoha.

What they didn't know was that on their way out of Konoha they passed someone with a very strong sense of it so he noticed their presence. In fact, the Masking Release: Perfect Stealth Technique should have obscured sensing as well, but this person was always wary of his surroundings and was focused at all times so he noticed them as soon as they approached him but his facial expression did not change and he passed by them as if he had not noticed.

After they left, the person smiled a sarcastic smile and spoke sarcastically, "I wonder what they're running from, well, that's none of my business."


Ryuzu was searching everywhere for his wife's killer, but he couldn't find any trace of her, but he didn't give up and kept looking, hoping to find something that could lead to Yai's whereabouts.

Suddenly a mocking voice came from behind him, "Hey Ryuzu-san, I haven't seen you in a while, what are you looking for?"

"Chikao, I don't have time to listen to your sarcastic words." Ryuzu didn't have time to hear the other person's sarcasm, but after thinking, he asked, "Did you feel anyone escaping out of Konoha? You have a strong sense."

Ryuzu knew this person well because this person was a very talented young man in the Uchiha clan.

Chikao is 14 years old. He has short black hair and he keeps his eyes constantly narrowed to slits, so his eyes can't be seen.

He also keeps his face set in a wide mocking smile at all times. He is unusually thin and long with a Very sharp features.

"I sensed someone running away from Konoha ten minutes ago in this direction. What happened, is this something important?" Chikao said in a sarcastic voice as he indicated the direction Ryuzu's wife's killer took."But I don't think you'll find them because they hide themselves so well."

"You're coming with me, you're going to sense their whereabouts for me," Ryuzu said as he flew toward the direction Chikao indicated.

"Wait a minute, I didn't agree to go with you." Chikao shouted after Ryuzu, then went after him.
