45- Ryuu vs. Shoda (part 1)

Ryuu and Shoda were facing each other and separated by a distance of 5 meters, at this moment Sho who was standing between them spoke "Start"

As soon as he heard Sho's words, Ryuu gathered the natural energy in his body very quickly and entered Sage Mode in moments.

Ryuu's hair turns silver, and Ryuu gains a silver chakra shroud that forms fox ears and nine tails. The color of the sclera turned yellow, and its iris turned into a shape resembling the iris of a fox, and it had fangs and claws.

After Ryuu entered Sage Mode, Shoda approached him and attacked him, Shoda's fingernails were long and shaped like claws and he tried to stab Ryuu using them.

Ryuu dodged her by moving aside, then sent a kick towards Shoda's feet, but Shoda jumped back to dodge the attack and then used hand seals and used Water Release to attack Ryuu.

"Water release: spear"

A 2m long spear made of water shot towards Ryuu at great speed.

When Ryuu saw the spear heading towards him he kneaded the chakra in his body and turned it into fire without using hand seals and took a breath and then expelled it from his mouth when the fire came out of his mouth and took the form of a giant ball that vaporized the water spear and continued towards Shoda.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique"

'He is using the Senjutsu chakra to strengthen this technique.' Shoda thought while doing hand seals very quickly.

Shuda turned the chakra in his body into water, compressed it, and then took out a small water ball heading towards the Ryuu Fire Technique.

"Water release: big water ball"

As soon as the small water ball touched the big fire ball, the water ball started expanding at a great speed and swallowed the fire ball inside, but the water ball evaporated after the fire was extinguished and a thick vapor spread in the area.

When Ryuu saw this, an inspiration came to him and the idea of ​​how he could use the water chakra with his Rasengan.

But he did not have time to write down this idea or go deeper into it now because he is in a fight and if he gets distracted a little he will end up losing.

Ryuu's chakra sense was much stronger after he entered Sage mode, so he could now sense Shuda's place in the mist very well and would never escape his senses.

After Ryuu sensed Shoda's whereabouts, he used his shadow clone and sent him toward Shoda.

As he moved towards Shoda, the clone used a Rasengan in each hand, adding to the right the nature of wind and adding to the left the nature of fire.

"Wind release: Rasengan."

"Fire Release: Rasengan."

Shoda noticed Ryuu's clone's movements and saw the Rasenkan in both clone hands, and prepared to counter them because he'd seen Ryuu using these techniques before.

"Do you think this is the same as the previous one?, you are seriously mistaken, you'd better be careful and not die," the clone said as he became a meter away from Shoda, then pointed both Rasenkans at each other.

As soon as the two Rasengan of the nature of fire and wind came into contact with each other, a huge explosion occurred.

The nature of the wind encapsulated the nature of fire and made it stronger, the Rasengan expanded very quickly and included the clone and the Shoda within.

Ryuu who was away looked at the flames expanding very rapidly to include a large circular area with a diameter of 10 meters in moments and destroying everything in that area.

"As expected, my creativity is very powerful." Ryuu was happy with the technique he made himself.

Moments later, a fox quickly came out of the flames with some of its fur on burnt, and it looked annoyed as it looked at Ryuu, "I really didn't expect this, when did you develop a way to do this?"

"I was able to create this technique yesterday, I was able to finally combine these two techniques after a long struggle of trying and failing," Ryuu said happily.

While Ryuu was speaking, Shoda returned to his human form and then entered the Sage Mode. When he entered the Sage Maud his eyelids were dyed gold and his iris turned into a shape resembling a fox's iris and his claws appeared, and there were fox ears and nine yellow tails with white ends. The tails and ears were real, unlike Ryuu's ears and tails made of chakra.

'Damn this is the first time that Shuda has entered a Sage Mode in our fight, Sarah, show me his stats,' Ryuu frowned and then instructed Sarah to show Shuda's stats.


Name:  Shoda

•STR: kage ( low )=120

•AGI: kage (Low)=140

•Chakra: One-tailed beast = 10,254

Gender: male

Age: 283

Bloodline: Nine-tailed fox

Affinity: Water





[Sage mode and Fox Physique increase strength and agility by 30%.

STR=kage (Mid)=156

AGI=kage (Mid)=182]

Sage mode20%

Fox Physique10%


Once Ryuu saw Shoda's stats, he used his Mangekyu Sharingan and quickly activated his right eye ability.
