48- Reunion with Tsunade and the girls.

Ryuu went to the Hokage's building and when he arrived he saw Tsunade and the girls coming out of the building.

"Did you see how that idiot tried to take me to sell me he didn't expect that I was strong and I surprised him with my strength to the point that he was shedding tears." Sayuri was standing on Tsunade's shoulder as she spoke excitedly.

"Can you stop talking about this, you have mentioned it a thousand times," Kushina said in annoyance.

"He didn't cry because he was shocked by your strength, but he cried because you hit him in his balls," Mikoto said, explaining the real reason the man was crying.

After Mikoto said this, Kushina noticed that someone was walking towards them, when she found out it was Ryuu she was happy and smiled and then ran towards Ryuu and hugged him tightly and said, "I missed you so much. Why are you so late back to Konoha?"

Mikoto hugged Ryuu too, Tsunade stepped forward and patted Ryuu's back and said, "It's good that you showed up quickly, everyone was missing you and waiting for your return. Actually, I didn't expect you to come back so quickly because you were trying to learn Sage Mode."

At first, Tsunade did not know what the Sage Mode is, but she asked Katsuyu about this technique, and Katsuyu told her that this technique is difficult to learn and may take years to learn or a few months for people with talent, and Sayuri confirmed it, but she was so arrogant that she said that she learned Sage Mode in one day, Tsunade did not believe her. So I expected Ryuu to come back after some months.

"I learned Sage Mode in one day but I stayed there to learn more techniques and make useful technique, if you learn Sage Mode I will teach you that technique." Ryuu wanted to teach them Sage Art: complete body cultivation, because it would increase their age and vitality of their body.

Tsunade, Kushina, and Mikoto were shocked when they heard that Ryuu had completed his Sage Mode in one day, then at the same time they looked at Sayuri and thought 'Did she tell us the truth before'

"I know Sage Mod already, teach me this technique." Sayuri jumped on Ryuu's shoulder and sat on him and patted his cheek with her palm, she was curious and excited to learn the technique.

"Okay I'll teach you later" Ryuu said with a smile and tried to pat Sayuri's head but she avoided his hand and moved to his other shoulder, making Ryuu sigh, then he had an idea and said to Sayuri, "If you want me to teach you this technique, you should make me pat you 5 times a day."

"I refuse, I don't want to learn that technique anymore, but you can at least tell me about using it," Sayuri said, pretending she didn't want to learn the technique, but she was still curious about the technique Ryuu made.

"If you want to know how to use the technique, you should allow me to pat you once a day," Ryuu said with a smirk.

"I don't want to know, I will ask my father or grandfather about it, they must know about this technique," ​​Sayuri said annoyed and planned to go home to ask her father about the technique.

"Do you really want to go home, they might not let you come back here again." Ryuu knows they will let her back but he tries to tease her and if he is lucky she might let him pet her.

Sayuri started to hesitate. She had only been here for twenty days and saw Konoha and some places near Konoha only when Tsunade and the girls went out on errands outside Konoha.

When Ryuu saw her hesitation, he smiled 'She needs a little stimulus to agree.'

"How about this I will teach you the technique too if you agree to my previous request, patting you once a day is enough," he said wistfully as if he had given up too much in the deal.

'Does he think I'm stupid? He's obviously trying to lure me with these words, 'Sayuri looked at Ryuu who pretends to have lost a lot with this deal, but she really wanted to know what technique Ryuu had made and was overwhelmed with curiosity, 'It's not like I'm going to lose a lot by doing this, it's just some patting It will end in a moment.'

"Okay, I agree with that, but it's only once a day, now I start my education," Sayuri said seriously, then got back to her enthusiasm and wanted to learn now.

Ryuu smiled triumphantly and then said, "We will practice the technique tomorrow, but I will tell you some information about the technique now. The technique allows for an increase in lifespan and vi...Aaaah why did you do this"

Sayuri slapped Ryuu's face, leaving a trail of claws on his face.

Sayuri was angry because she thought the technique Ryuu was talking about was her clan's technique, and thought Ryuu was stupid for trying to trick her with that technique.

"Because you tried to trick me with a technique I already know," Sayuri said seriously as she tried to rip Ryuu's face off with her claws.

Ryuu throws Sayuri away before hitting him in the face with her claws again, then seriously says, "Let me finish, don't be so quick to judge that my technique is the same as your clan's."

"Okay, tell me what your technique does." Sayuri looked at Ryuu sharply and was ready to attack if she wasn't convinced by his explanation.

Then Ryuu explained about Sage Art: complete body cultivation but he did not say anything about sexual stamina.

While Ryuu was demonstrating the use of the technique, Tsunade treated the wound on his face left by Sayuri's claws.

After Sayuri heard Ryuu's explanation calmed down and returned to his shoulder, Ryuu said, "Can I pat you now? I told you about the technique."

"Okay, on our deal once a day," Sayuri said and let Ryuu pat her.

Ryuu touched her fur and felt soft, warm and comfortable when he touched her, then held her in his arms and started patting her head, he felt the indescribable feeling of carrying Sayuri in his arms, so much so that he always wanted to hold her like this.
