61-"Don't let him go"

When Ryuu was fully focused on dodging the Kazekage's attacks, some puppets with swords appeared behind him and attacked him.

Ryuu noticed Chiyo's attack at the last moment and narrowly avoided it, but he missed the Kazekage for a moment, and that moment was enough for the Kazekage to make a big attack on Ryuu.

"Iron Sand Gathering Assault:Iron Sand Spear"

Iron sand gathered and formed a giant triangular weapon, then attacked Ryuu very quickly.

Ryuu was not given any chance to dodge the attack due to Chiyo's interference, who blocked his path with the puppets.

But just before the attack arrived, Ryuu activated his Mangekyu Sharingan, and a skeleton made of silver-colored chakra was surrounded by him, protecting him from the attack.

The Susanoo repels the Kazekage's attack with one hand, and no scratch appears on the Susanoo's hand. Chiyo and the Kazekage looked at Susanoo in shock.

Neither of them expected that Ryuu would ever be able to repel this attack, and they both felt a little frightened when looking at the skeleton's sockets that glowed yellow with the horns on top of its head, both of them thought of one thing 'He's a demon'.

'Fighting someone who is stronger than you and then adding someone at a semi-Kage level makes it even more difficult to defeat them, if I want to defeat them I have to use my right eye ability. Also I have to end this quickly because the Konoha troops are taking a lot of losses with the appearance of the One-Tailed Jinchuriki' Ryuu thought seriously as he looked at the direction of the Konoha troops.

Susanoo reached out and grabbed one of the puppets that was close to him and crushed it, then moved toward Chiyo.

When the Susanoo reached Chiyo's side and when he tried to punch her, the iron sand appeared and he tied the two hands of the Susanoo and then gathered the iron sand around the Susanoo and fixed it on the ground.

Suddenly some iron sand appeared under Ryuu's feet and formed into needles and attacked Ryuu.

Ryuu had noticed Iron Sand from the beginning so he easily evaded it, he knew about this weakness in the non-human Susanoo from the anime so he was focusing on any strange thing entering through the earth to attack him.

While the Susanoo was tied up with Iron Sand, Chiyo kept a safe distance from Ryuu.

Ryuu added more chakra to Susanoo and made it evolve into the full human form. The Susanoo has four arms, two of which carry nothing and the others carry two weapons similar to the Kusarigama and each with three scythe blades, with one inverted, giving it the resemblance of a pinwheel. he blades are connected to a spiked rod tethered together by a long chain. Then, using the weapons that appeared in the hands of the Sonano, he broke free from the iron sand that was holding him.

The Susanoo swung the weapon in large circles, allowing the blade part to spin like a fan, and then threw the weapon at the Kazekage.

The Kazekage gathered the iron sand and shaped it into a large wall in front of him.

When the weapon reached the wall, he sliced ​​it in half as if it was just a piece of tofu, not iron, and then the weapon continued toward the Kazekage.

The Kazekage took control of the split iron wall and reassembled it, causing the chains of the weapon to adhesion with the iron wall, stopping the weapon from advancing towards the Kazekage.

When Ryuu wanted to throw the other weapon at the Kazekage, he heard Tsunade's voice in his mind, "Ryuu we're going to withdraw, we've lost a lot of troops because of the One-Tailed Jinchuriki entering the battle, come back here if you can, we can't advance to get you out."

Tsunade enlists the help of a Yamanaka clan member to transmit her voice to Ryuu telling him to quit, so the Yamanaka clan member uses the Mind Body Transmission Technique to connect Ryuu's mind with Tsunade.

"Give me some time and I'll kill the Third Kazekage, Tsunade-sensei. Make Sayuri fight with the One-Tailed Jinchuuriki she can defeat him." Ryuu spoke in his mind to try to communicate his words to Tsunade, but noticed that the connection with Tsunade's mind had been cut off.

"Damn it." Ryuu threw the other weapon in Susanoo's hand at the Kazekage and then took control of the Susanoo and made him run towards Konoha's troops that were trying to retreat at the moment.

After the Kazekage blocked the other weapon, he noticed that Ryuu was quickly beginning to retreat towards Konoha's troops, and Konoha's troops were trying to retreat as well.

"Do you think I'll let you go?" the Kazekage shouted angrily as he tried to catch up with Ryuu but Ryuu was faster than him. So he gave orders to Suna's troops, "Stop him, don't let him go."

After hearing the orders of the Kazekage, many ninjas tried to stop the Susanoo, but all the jutsu they threw on the Susanoo didn't leave a scratch and didn't slow down.

"Bunpuku stop this kid" When the Kazekage noticed that a normal ninja couldn't stop Ryuu, he ordered the One-Tailed Jinchuriki to stop him.

When the One-Tailed Jinchuriki heard the Kazekage's orders, he stopped pursuing Konoha's troops and attacked the Susanoo.