66- Madara Uchiha

after two days.

Currently, Ryuu is sitting with the old man in the garden, but this time there are bandages on Ryuu's eye, While there were no bandages around the old man's eyes, two red eyes were revealed with three tomoes rotating within them.

"Did Souta tell you who I am," said the old man who was sitting next to Ryuu.

"Yes, he told me who you are. You are my grandfather and also Madara Uchiha, one of the founders of Konoha Village." Ryuu revealed the identity of the old man, in fact when Souta told him that Madara Uchiha was his grandfather, he was shocked. He knew that the old man was Madara Uchiha, but he did not know that he was his grandfather.

"And also the traitor of Konoha, and the one who was killed by Hashirama," Madara added after Ryuu finished speaking. "Aren't you curious about how I survived that battle between me and Hashirama?"

"You must have used izanagi, it's a technique that uses illusion to manipulate reality itself," said Ryuu, who was impressed with this technique that manipulated reality.

"Yes I used that. It's a technique that was taken from one of the creation techniques of all things that the Sage of Six Paths uses to turn fantasy into reality, and the Uchiha clan inherited from him the Izanagi in Sharingan, but in exchange for the short control of reality granted by Izanagi makes the Sharingan go blind." Madara then talks about his fight with Hashirama and how he was defeated and then revived using the Izanagi technique.

Madara then talked about his research in studying the Uchiha Stone Tablet and talked about the information he was able to extract from the Stone Tablet and told Ryuu about the Tree God, the Infinite Tsukumi and how a godly power could be acquired through union of the Senju and Uchiha.

He talked about how he fused Khaliya Hashirama into his body and obtained the Rinnegan, then talked about his previous plan, The Eye of the Moon Plan.

"I don't understand why you're telling me all this." Ryuu didn't expect Madara to fully reveal his plans, to the point that he began to doubt whether the person in front of him was really the same Madara in the original work.

"Because after you were born, I started to think differently. I started to think that you were the one mentioned in the stone tablet; someone who had Senju and Uchiha blood at the same time. My guess was confirmed when you started to show great strength. You are the boy of prophecy who will be able to stop wars. and bring peace to the world." Madara spoke earnestly, sure of his guess.

'Madara has gone completely insane, I'm not a boy of prophecy or anything like that, where did all this nonsense come from.' If it weren't for his eyes wrapped in bandages, he would have looked at Madara strangely, as Ryuu thought 'Who are you? Bring back the real Madara.'

"So what do you want me to do?" Ryuu didn't get too surprised to hear so he wanted to get straight to the point.

"I'm not asking you to do anything. It's your choice whether you want to complete the plan I laid out or you want to find the way to peace in the world and stop wars on your own." Madara patted Ryuu on the shoulder, indicating that he should choose his own path."I ask of you one thing, I gave my Rinnegan eyes to a boy from the Uzumaki clan in Rain Country, so I want you to meet him and you can choose whether you want to get the eyes back or make him your subordinate."

"Do you know where he is currently?" Ryuu asked Madara.

"I know where he is at all times, I have subordinates watching his whereabouts."

"Anyway, why are you wearing these bandages around your eyes? Your eyes should have already healed by this time" Madara asked as he looked at the bandages around Ryuu's eyes.

"Yes, the eyes were completely healed and upgraded to the Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan, but Ka-san wouldn't let me remove them until at least a week had passed. If I remove the bandages now, she will get angry and it's scary when she gets angry so I decided to listen to her." Ryuu said with a sigh while touching the bandages around his eyes.

"You can remove the bandages. I'll talk to her about this. After all, you have a faster regeneration speed than normal people." Madara said while extending his hand and starting to undo the bandages from Ryuu's eyes.