70- konan

Ryuu quickly walked towards the little girl lying on the ground, lifted her off the ground and made her lean on his arm, and when he looked at her face he saw that she was still conscious and looked straight into her eyes and said one word weakly, "Food."

As soon as Ryuu heard her, he took out some water and food from the storage seal he was carrying with him, then put the food in her hand, and said gently and a little sadness appeared in his eyes, "Here, you can eat this."

Ryuu doesn't know where this little girl came from with the force to hold bread tightly as soon as he put it in her hand because she was so weak that she couldn't move just a little while ago. After grabbing the bread, she put it in her mouth and began to eat, with tears coming out of her eyes.

When Ryuu saw her tears running while she was eating, he felt very sad, at first he wanted to give her food and go but when he saw her crying like that just because she got food he made him stay with her longer.

After the little girl ate half of the bread, she noticed that Ryuu was staring at her while she was eating. Then she looked at his hands and didn't see him holding anything, so she put the other half in Ryuu's hand and said in a weak voice, "If you're hungry too, you can eat the other half."

'This child gives me the other half even though she is still hungry, she is really a very good person,' even though the child is hungry she still gives her food to Ryuu because she thought he gave her all his bread and if she ate it all Ryuu would still be hungry.

"Don't worry about me, I have a lot of bread when you finish this and you're still hungry I'll give you more." Ryuu said while returning half the bread to the little girl, then took out another bread to make the little girl believe him.

After the little girl finished eating, she asked Ryuu, "Can I go with you? I don't have anywhere to go back. The ninja destroyed my house and killed my parents. Please take me with you." When she mentioned her parents, tears started to flow from her eyes again. Then she tightly grabbed Ryuu's clothes and started begging for him to take it with him.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you here." Ryuu wiped the tears from her eyes and said kindly in order to calm her down. After saying this, Ryuu picked her up and started walking towards the place where he sensed Nawaki's presence.

"What's your name?" Ryuu asked the little girl, her name.

"konan, my name is konan," the little girl said in a low voice.

When Ryuu heard the little girl's name, he paused in shock, then turned his gaze to the little girl and began to carefully examine her facial features.

The girl in front was covered with dirt and mud and most of her facial features were hidden because of that, which is why Ryuu didn't recognize her when he first saw her.

"konan is a nice name, by the way my name is Ryuu." Ryuu tells konan his name and he smiles at her.

After Ryuu finished saying his name to Konan, he heard Nawaki's voice calling him, "Ryuu, you're finally back."

Nawaki stared at Ryuu and when he got close he noticed that Ryuu was holding a little girl in his arms so he quickly asked, "Ryuu, who is this little girl?"

"Her name is konan and I found her lying on the floor due to lack of nutrition and her parents are not around anymore so I decided to take care of her." Ryuu said while looking at Nawaki seriously, he decided to take care of konan even before he knew who she was, and when he found out it was konan, he was even more insistent on his decision to take care of her.

"What? Are you kidding me? We are going to the front lines. We don't have time to take care of her, but we can't leave her here either so you can use shadow clones to send her to Konoha." Nawaki shouted in surprise when he heard that Ryuu wanted to take care of the little girl.

When Konan heard Nawaki's words, he pulled Ryuu's clothes tight and she stared at him with a begging look to stay with him with some wet eyes threatening to shed tears.

"Don't worry, you'll stay with me," Ryuu said as he stroked konan's hair to calm her, then looked at Nawaki and said, "Let's find an abandoned house or something similar. konan needs to take a shower."

"Okay," Nawaki sighed. Then they went to look for a house, after a while Ryuu found an abandoned house and luckily it wasn't destroyed so the three of them entered the house, Ryuu looked at konan and stroked her head while saying "konan go take a shower, while Nawaki brings some new clothes for you."

konan was reluctant to leave Ryuu, but she obeyed his words and went to the bathroom.

Nawaki looked at Ryuu and said in annoyance, "Why should I go find clothes for her, why don't you go?"

"Okay, I'll find clothes for her myself." Ryuu said while using a one hand seal, then ten shadow clones appeared and as soon as they appeared they quickly moved out of the house, they knew what Ryuu wanted to do as soon as they appeared so they went to find clothes for konan.

Minutes later, the shadow clones returned with a variety of clothes that match konan's size, then Ryuu sends the clothes to konan in the bathroom.

An hour later, konan came out of the bathroom wearing new clothes. Her original hair color was also revealed after removing the mud, Konan had short, straight blue hair with a bun, amber eyes with lavender eye shadow.