75- killing intent

The next day, all of Konoha's forces assembled in preparation for the start of the battle against the Iwa forces.

Eight people marched in the front heading to the battlefield, while Konoha's forces marched behind them in an orderly fashion.

The eight people are Ryuu, Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Dan, and Shikawa.

"So what's your plan," Ryuu said while looking at Shikawa.

"We have received information from our spies that Iwa forces are currently heading to our camp to make a major attack to get rid of us completely, so I am planning to ambush them on their way here." Shikawa said in response to Ryuu's question, luckily the spy was not detected and he delivered timely information.

Konoha's forces kept marching north until they reached the place Shikawa had set to ambush Iwa's forces.

Konoha's forces began digging trenches and hiding in them and camouflaging them so that the Iwa forces would not notice, and they also added some seals to deter the exploration of ninjas who possessed sensing techniques.

After they prepared well, they sat in their place patiently preparing for the arrival of their prey, and after waiting for hours, Iwa's forces appeared within the range of Konoha's Ninja Sensing Technique.

Ryuu was the first to sense their arrival, and after a quarter of an hour the rest of Konoha's sensing ninja started noticing the arrival of Iwa's forces.

"Ryuu, as we previously agreed, you will stop the jinchuriki of Iwa Village while we eliminate the weak Iwa forces." Shikawa said seriously.

For some reason Dan is jealous when Ryuu is the center of attention while he is standing aside in his shadow. He's also been in an upset mood for the past months because Tsunade has been ignoring him since their fight against Suna's forces.

"Dan, what's wrong with you, why are you distracted? We are about to clash against the enemy forces. Do you want to die?" Shikawa scolded while looking at Dan seriously. "Look at Ryuu, despite his young age and great strength, he takes the enemy forces seriously and starts preparing to fight."

Hearing the last words, Dan felt his chest explode with anger as he gritted his teeth, thinking 'Since I met this Uchiha my life has started to change for the worse, if he disappears from my life everything might go back to normal.'

Dan showed some killing intent towards Ryuu, but quickly hid it and started preparing for battle.

Ryuu sensed killing intent so he looked in her direction and saw Dan, then thought, 'It looks like you want to die, I'll make it happen for you.'

Since Dan came with Tsunade and Konoha's forces yesterday, Ryuu sensed that Dan was upset and angry with him but he didn't know why, but he ignored because he thought Dan wouldn't do him any harm. But now Dan showed some killing intent towards him, so Ryuu decided to sentence Dan to death.

'Dan don't blame me for this, you're the one who started it,' Ryuu thought as he looked at Dan calmly, with no expression of anger on his face.

"Attack" A member of the Yamanaka clan sent Shikawa's orders to all of Konoha's forces.

When Ryuu heard the orders, he quickly walked out of the hiding place he was in and sprinted in the direction from which he sensed the chakra of the Tailed Beast.

Konoha's forces started launching all kinds of ninjutsu and ninjutsu with all kinds of elements on Iwa's forces from all sides.

The Iwa forces did not expect this sudden attack from Konoha's forces, so they suffered many losses in moments.

"Watch out, we're under attack."

"F#ck them, how can they do this attack without being detected by a Sensing Ninja."

"Konoha is really despicable for this sudden attack."

Anger was rising within the Iwa ninja, due to this attack by Konoha's forces.

Ryuu infiltrated Iwa's forces and then used the Wood Clone Technique. Three clones appeared from him. Then the clones used the Transformation Technique to disguise themselves as Iwa ninjas. Ryuu looked at them and then simply said, "Kill Dan."

All the clones nodded as they went to do their job, Ryuu no longer cared about Dan anymore and focused on the Iwa Village Jinchuuriki who started moving toward Konoha's forces with an angry expression on his face. Ryuu thought, 'I should stop him before he causes losses to Konoha's forces.'

'No need to hide a breath I guess' thought Ryuu when he arrived near Jinchuriki, a smile forming on his face, as he sensed that the Jinchuriki knew of his presence.

"So you are Ryuu Uchiha, the kid whose name has spread everywhere, as I heard that you killed all the Iwa ninjas stationed in Tora Town, as well as the squad that infiltrated to launch an attack on the Konoha camp." The jinchuriki spoke angrily after discovering Ryuu's whereabouts.

"Yeah I did it, if you hate me then come and kill me if you can" Ryuu said coldly as he walked toward the jinchuriki, some Iwa ninja swallowing their saliva while feeling nervous.