80- Peace Treaty

3 days ago.

Suna village.

kazekage office.

"Kazikage-sama, do you really want to make a peace with Konoha Village? You must be kidding us." Many elders and Chiyo were unhappy with the decision made by the Kazekage.

"I'm not kidding, we really need to make a truce with the village of Konoha." The Kazekage looked sharply at the elders and would never back down from his decision.

"But Konoha killed so many of our ninjas, that they even killed my brother who is a ninja at the semi-Kage level." Chiyo spoke in annoyance that made no sense for her to make a truce with Konoha.

"At the mention of your brother's death, the reason I wanted to make a truce with Konoha is because of the Ryuu Uchiha, despite his young age, he already possesses strength on the Kage level. Did you think how strong he will be after years have passed? I think he will be stronger than Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha."

"When that time comes, no one will be able to stop him, and the village against Konoha will surely suffer heavy losses. I am only thinking of making a peace treaty with them so that Suna Village is not destroyed in the future."

When the Kazekage finished the explanation, the elders showed signs of appreciation because the Kazekage thought about the future of the village. But Chiyo didn't give up and kept arguing, "If you're afraid of the Ryuu Uchiha's strength in the future, we can tell the ninjas about his strength and then unite with them and attack Konoha Village and kill him before he becomes a threat to us."

"Chiyo, what you are saying is impossible, do you think a ninja village would believe that a person of the age of Ryuu Uchiha possesses strength on a Kage level. It is impossible to believe that because they have not seen his strength with their own eyes and even the Iwa village that fought against him has not seen his true strength."

"Even assuming that the ninja villages believed us, it is not easy to get them to unite to attack Konoha Village at the same time, and it could take years. By that time the Ryuu Uchiha must be strong enough to face us."

"Even if all the villages are gathered now and Konoha is attacked and we can destroy it, there is a possibility that the Ryuu Uchiha can escape. If that happens, the Ryuu Uchiha will hate all the villages, and he will probably train for years and plot to destroy all the ninja villages."

"By this, we create for ourselves an indomitable enemy who plans to destroy us all." After hearing the Kazekage's explanation, everyone in the office felt frightened and their bodies shivered, just thinking about it made their backs sweat.

"As expected of the Kazekage-sama, you think about the future before making any move."

"Kazikage-sama, you are really wise."

"Kazikage-sama, I think you are the best Kazekage in the history of Suna Village."

All the elders began to praise the Kazekage profusely, and all the elders agreed to his plan for a peace treaty with Konoha. Only Chiyo remained silent. She still had a grudge against Ryuu who had killed her brother.

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

As soon as the messenger of Suna Village arrived in Konoha and informed the Hokage of the Kazekage's desire for a truce, the Hokage quickly agreed to it.

It was agreed that the peace treaty between Suna and Konoha would be established in an area between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire.

A week later, everything was prepared for the peace treaty, and the Hokage was heading to the location designated by the Kazekage for the peace treaty to be concluded. The Hokage brought Ryuu, Orochimaru, and 20 Anbu ninjas with him.

The Hokage made Sakumo and some ninja troops return to the village to protect it in his absence, because there is a possibility that the village will be attacked if the truce and the peace treaty were just a hoax by the Kazekage.

Nor is the Hokage concerned that the Kazekage will besiege them with thousands of ninjas during the peace treaty. Because he brought with him one of the best sensing ninjas in Konoha village, and this person can sense any chakra ninja within one kilometer. He also brought a member of the Hyuga clan.

So even if the Kazekage betrayed them, they could easily withdraw.

The Hokage and the others arrived at the peace treaty area and were greeted by the Kazekage, Chiyo, and some Suna ninjas, and everything went as planned and the peace treaty was signed smoothly, contrary to the Hokage's expectation.

After that, the Hokage talked with the Kazekage about how the current war is going and what is the possible development of the war, and they concluded that there is a 60-70% probability that the villages of Kumo and Kiri will not participate in the war. Therefore, the participants in the war will remain Iwa, Konoha, and Suna, and there is a 90-100% chance that Ame Village will participate in the war because it is located in its territory.

So the Hokage and the Kazekage planned to end the war as quickly as possible, by launching a powerful attack on Iwa Village and making them surrender.

At this moment, a frog appeared in front of the Hokage and took out a manuscript from his mouth and gave it to the Hokage and then disappeared.The Hokage opened the manuscript and its readers, then his face became solemn. "Ame Village entered the war and started attacking our forces."