86- Goddess of Shinobi

The news of Hanzo's death at the hands of Tsunade quickly spread throughout the battlefield, causing the Ame Ninjas to feel desperate and frightened and started to escape as quickly as they could.

The battle ended very quickly after Hanzo's death, this is normal because after Hanzo's death no one has the strength to fight Tsunade and Ryuu.

After the fight ended, the news spread of how Tsunade defeated Hanzo among the Konoha ninjas, and they felt that what they had heard was incredible. No one expected Hanzo to die from a single punch from Tsunade.

After that, the news started spreading everywhere, and it reaches the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Tsunade gained the title of Goddess of Shinobi after killing Hanzo with a one punch, who had the title of Demi-God.

Tsunade's reputation has greatly increased and even surpassed that of Ryuu, because the feat she has done is truly unparalleled.

A few weeks after the end of the battle, the Konoha ninja and the Suna ninja met and headed to Iwa Village to end the war completely.

Iwa Village had no chance of defeating the two villages combined against it, but Tsuchikage did not give up and decided to enter the war himself.

Tsuchikage collected as many Iwa ninjas as possible and went out to fight the Konoha and Suna ninjas.

The Iwa Ninja troops met the Konoha and Suna Ninja troops at the borders of The Land of Earth.

The person who leads the Iwa ninja troops is the third Tsuchikage himself, while on the other side the person who leads the Konoha and Suna troops is Tsunade.

The Iwa Ninja troops numbered ten thousand ninjas, and the Konoha Ninja and Suna Ninja troops totaled twelve thousand Ninjas.

Therefore, the alliance of Konoha and Suna surpassed Iwa Village in terms of the number of ninjas.

Currently the camps have been built and neither side has attacked first.

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In the main camp of Konoha and Suna.

There are many people inside the tent right now, and Konoha was more numerous than Suna.

Those in the tent from Konoha are Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Shikawa, Ryuu, Kushina, Mikoto, Nawaki, and Minato.

(For people who have forgotten who Shikawa is, he is Shikamaru's grandfather. The current head of the Nara clan. )

All of them have well-known names and got some fame from this war except for Minato and Nawaki.

Even Kushina and Mikoto made famous names for themselves. After all, Kushina has Elite Jonin strength and Mikoto has a strength close to semi-Kage.

And from Suna there are only Chiyo and her son and daughter-in-law.

Chiyo looked at Ryuu with hatred, "I didn't expect that one day we would fight alongside each other."

Chiyo still held a grudge against Ryuu for killing her brother, and she would definitely never forgive him.

"Ka-san, calm down. We're allies now." Her son tried to calm her down, Chiyo sat in her seat while still showing annoyance on her face.

Ryuu looked at Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, 'These two are still alive? It looks like there will be a big change in the future because of that.'

'The Butterfly Effect has begun to work, the future will begin to change dramatically.'

'Predicting the future is often useless, but that's what makes things exciting.' Ryuu smiled as he thought about this while looking forward to what would happen in the future.

Chiyo looked at Ryuu's smile, anger burning inside her because she thought he was making fun of her.

"I want to ask one question, why are there a group of children in the command tent." Chiyo referred to three people as Kushina, Minato, and Nawaki, but she did not mean Ryuu, who has great strength, or Mikoto, whose strength is close to a semi-Kage.

"Even though they are children and less powerful than the rest of us they are the hope of the future for Konoha, it's okay to get them to take some command experience." Shikawa smiled while answering Chiyo's question.

"everybody calm down. Let's plan what our next move will be. After all, we shouldn't underestimate Tsuchikage at all."

Tsunade calms everyone down before there is a conflict between the Konoha ninja and the Suna ninja.

"Don't worry about Tsuchikage, I'll fight him myself. You can plan what you do against the rest of the Iwa ninja."

Everyone in the room looked at Ryuu seriously, everyone knows about Ryuu's strength and for sure he can fight against the Third Tsuchikage, but they don't know if he can defeat him or not because Tsuchikage has great strength and experience.

The Tsuchikage has the ability to fly and is the only person in the world who has a Kekkei Tōta Dust Release.

"Well, you can do whatever you want, but we'll give you a helping hand when you need it." Tsunade smiled sweetly. She trusted Ryuu's abilities a lot, and even if Tsuchikage didn't care, he could stop him until they defeated all the ninjas in the battlefield.

After that, everyone started making plans, how their ninja would move and what they would do in certain situations, and they even factored in whether Ryuu would lose to the third Tsuchikage.

After the planning was over, they started arranging the ninjas and distributing them according to their plans to start the battle.

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Hours later, Ryuu stood looking at the fight between the Iwa ninja and the Konoha ninja, then looked at the third Tsuchikage flying in the sky who was about to perform his attack.

"Do you think I would let you do that?" Ryuu jumped into the sky very quickly and reached the third Tsuchikage's side, but Onoki evaded Ryuu's attack by flying sideways.

"You will not be able to escape my attack in the sky." Onoki smiled and then gestured with both hands at Ryuu.

"Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique." (Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu)

A transparent square structure was created with a ball in the center between the palms of his hand. It quickly expanded in the direction of Ryuu who was in the sky.

It was assumed that Ryuu could not change direction in the sky, but suddenly he could change direction at a ninety degree angle very quickly to evade the attack and then remained standing in the sky staring at Onoki. "You are not the only one who can fly."