88- Land of the Sky

After the war ended, the Konoha troops began to return to the village of Konoha, and they were all happy with their victory.

In this war there weren't many deaths on Konoha's side, due to the ability of Ryuu's left eye.

That's why all the Konoha ninjas who participated in the war have great gratitude for Ryuu and for them he is the greatest ninja in the world.

When they arrived in Konoha, Ryuu, Tsunade, and all the ninjas were greeted in front of the Konoha Gate by the villagers who had gathered there to welcome the war heroes.

Once the ninja entered Konoha, all the villagers started chanting Ryuu and Tsunade's name and waving their hands towards them and some girls started throwing cherry blossoms on the ninja's path, families started to receive their sons and daughters who had returned from the war, happiness filled the place.

Ryuu found someone he knew among the villagers and smiled, she walked over to Ryuu with a gentle smile and then hugged him, "Welcome home."

"Ka-san, I'm home." Ryuu smiled as he gave Fuku a hug.

After the villagers' welcome ended, all the ninjas dispersed and went with their families, Kushina and Tsunade returned to the Senju clan while Ryuu, Mikoto and Konan returned to the Uchiha clan with Fuku.

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After a few hours.

Ryuu and Konan went to the Hokage's building, Ryuu wanted to register Konan as a citizen of Konoha Village officially, so he had to take the Hokage's permission.

As they approached the Hokage's building, the two of them heard a loud crashing sound coming from the Hokage's building, so they moved quickly to find out the situation.

There was nothing outside the Hokage's building so Ryuu entered directly and went to the Hokage's office.

When he entered, he saw five Anbu ninjas besieging Tsunade, and anger was clearly visible on her face.

"What are you doing?" Ryuu looked at the Anbu ninja with cold eyes, while making Konan stand behind him.

"We are doing our job to protect the Hokage." Ryuu noticed the ANBU ninja who was speaking and recognized him directly even though he hid his features. The one who spoke was Hatake Sakumo.

"Retreat, she's my disciple, she won't attack me." The Hokage ordered the ANBU to retreat.

Ryuu approached Tsunade and asked, "Tsunade, what made you so angry?"

Tsunade's anger subsided a little when she saw Ryuu and then she started to explain what made her angry.

Apparently there was a wave of assassinations targeting the Senju clan during the war, and a large number of the Senju clan have died and they are literally on the verge of extinction now. The surviving people of the Senju clan can be counted with the fingers of two hands.

This made her really angry and what made her even angrier was that she didn't receive any information about this when she was in the war, which means that the Hokage didn't send her information about it.

"No, I sent this information to you as soon as the assassinations appeared, but you sent me a message that you would take care of the matter and protect the clan members who participated in the war." The Hokage opened the drawer in his office and took out a scroll and presented it to Tsunade.

Tsunade grabbed the scroll and opened it. What is written in the scroll is the same as what the Hokage said and in the same handwriting as Tsunade, and it also bears some seals to prove that the message is real. Shock appeared on Tsunade's face, "I did not write this and I did not receive any message from you while I was in the war."

Ryuu stood aside while thinking, 'Who did this? There must be a traitor inside the village. If Danzo was still alive, he'd be the first suspect I could think of.'

"There must be a traitor in the village who wants to destroy the Senju Clan." Tsunade also directly raised her suspicions.

Tsunade started showing another wave of anger, and the Hokage tried to calm her down in every possible way, "Although we didn't discover the traitor, we did discover the organization that carried out the assassinations and their location."

"They call themselves The Land of the Sky." After that, the Hokage started explaining about The Land of the Sky.

When Ryuu heard this name, he remembered Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds. Ryuu put his hand on his chin while trying to remember the details of Land of the Sky.

The Land of the Sky was formed by ninja from several countries that could mould their chakra into mist in order to fly. It is said that they fought in the Second Shinobi World War, and their hidden village was destroyed in the war by Konohagakure for challenging the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but the country itself survived.

the Land of the Sky seems to have more advanced technology compared to the other ninja villages. This includes winged devices that enable flight, a giant flying machine with a laser and the kunai launchers. They seem to incorporate their ninjutsu with flying machinery, both for flight and for offence. Aside from conventional explosives like paper bombs, they also make use of special mechanical bombs with a larger blast radius, as well a variation of the Exploding Sphere, which is both shaped and functions like a gravity bomb, launching kunai upon landing.

The Sky Ninja's main base is a giant temple named Ancor Vantian, Ankōru Bantian, meaning "Fortress of the Empire" which is described as the "ultimate weapon of destruction". It was built after many years of research and construction by the Sky Ninja, and is powered by the Zero-Tails, which allowed the city to take flight. It possesses a powerful laser-like weapon at the front, which was strong enough to blast through a mountain and sweep a large section of the ocean, wiping out an armada. It was said that this laser is the ultimate weapon, and is capable of destroying the Five Great Shinobi Countries in an instant. Ancor Vantian also included special prison cells, where the occupants were continually drained of energy, serving as an additional power source for the Zero-Tails and thus the fortress itself.

In order to control the Zero-Tails, the Sky Ninja designed an unique form of sealing technique that used to restrained the Zero-Tails.

After Ryuu remembered everything about Land of the Sky, he turned his attention back to the Hokage who was speaking.

After the Hokage told them about the location of the Land of the Sky, he spoke seriously to Tsunade and Ryuu, "I want you to take some troops and destroy the Land of the Sky, it poses a great threat to the village."

"I know that you have arrived at the village today and are tired from the war but this is a very important thing, we cannot allow Land of the Sky to stay."