The Thousand Dragons Sect

After returning that night, Finn, Iris, Octane, and Fanatic were all told to pack up their belongings and be ready to stay at the other squadron's place for a while. The next morning, they set off, waving Archon and Melvia goodbye as they used the teleporter.

In an instant, they were transported, shrouded by white light. When it faded away, they found themselves within a traditional Eastern room, with paintings of dragons on the walls and velvet-colored wooden furniture. The furry carpet below them had a dragon inscribed on it as well, matching with the walls and ceiling where a chandelier of torches hung, burning with light.

The five stepped out of the teleporter that looked out of place here, gazing around in wonder at the ancient-feeling room.

"Wow…" Iris mused, eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know Archon said this squadron was an S-Class, but this is still incredible…"

"Heartbeat's place doesn't even compare," Octane chuckled lightly.