Sudden News

As soon as the cymbal was struck, Qi Ling dashed into the obstacle course, running even faster than Octane, who watched, awestruck. She glided through the terrain like there weren't any obstacles at all, swinging past the monkey bars and lightly jumping from pillar to pillar in the next section with ease.

In an instant, she had caught up to Finn and continued going, smoothly and elegantly overcoming everything that stood in her way like a figure skater in an arena.

"Finn!" Iris called out. "Use your wings!"

'What? But I've never used them before…' Finn thought, hesitating somewhat.

"Channel your mana into your back and control it using your back muscles!" She instructed.

Finn hesitated a bit, but decided to just listen. After all, if he learned how to use these wings, it would come in useful later down the line as well.