A Life is A Life

After Jim cleared out the first island of Phantoms, the rest of the team jumped down as well, each using their own method. Finn and Iris used their wings, though the former was still somewhat awkward with them unlike the latter who had pretty much mastered the art of flying already.

As for the others, Qi Ling constructed a slide of ice for them, allowing them safe passage down.

"If ya got armor but don't have it on yet, I'd suggest gettin' it on now," Jim said, peering down at the next island which had visibly more Ghosts than the last. "I'm gunna leave this one next to ya guys."

Finn and Iris were both already set since they had their armor on all the time, and Reaper was self-explanatory. The rest, however, all activated their Angelicas and poured mana into their clothes, allowing the armor sets to morph onto their bodies.