Trap Within Trap

The members of Squadron 154 walked through the corridor cautiously, keeping a keen eye on their surroundings. Iris kept her Angelica's radar on at all times, and the group kept silent which made it easier to hear any sign of movement.

After a while of walking, however, a strange sound came from up front. It wasn't the familiar noise of the Phantoms scraping their feet on the ground, or their low-pitched humming that only Finn could hear. No… this was some sort of mechanical sound that signaled a moving machine somewhere nearby.

"… Do you guys hear that?" Octane asked, coming to a stop.

Finn nodded. "It seems to be not much further ahead."

"There aren't any other ways to go, so… we have to check it out," Iris said, then tapped on her earpiece. "Fanatic, can you map out the area for us?"

"Yeah, I'm on it…" His voice came back through on the other side, trailing off. A few seconds later, he continued.