The Priestess's Freedom

Hearing Iris's instructions, the team immediately went to work. Reaper and Octane worked on clearing out the minions since they excelled at taking on multiple opponents at once, while Finn and Iris focused on the large one.

Once they slayed it, Iris would take the orb and dunk it on one of the terminals. Each time she did so, the platform would stop rising for a moment and spawn in the next wave of enemies while Synia shrieked in pain, disturbing her chanting.

When they were on the third orb, however, Iris stopped.

"Damn… what's the next one…" She bit her lip and glanced around at the three remaining terminals as her allies continued to fight off the Phantoms, orb within her hands. So far, she had been following the order of the symbols from the pillar section, based on which pillar was the correct one in each set.

But at the time, she hadn't thought it would matter this much, so she hadn't memorized the whole sequence. And now…