The Search

"SKREEE!" The Phantoms jumped forward all at once, eager to tear through the group of humans with their long tentacles and sharp claws, then feed on their flesh with their rows of sharp teeth.

But of course, the Ghost Hunters of the House of Crimson Moons weren't just going to let them do that.

"Hmph." Shadow's body began glowing a black aura as he seemingly entered the ground, teleporting from shadow to shadow. The Phantoms were powerless as he suddenly jumped out of their own dark reflections and cut them down ruthlessly with his two knives, emitting black particles of energy.

Jester, on the other hand, used his Trickster Angelica to make multiple copies of himself and attack the Ghosts all at once. While the creatures were distracted by his clones, the real Jester would sneak up behind them and lop their heads clean off with his dagger, then grin like a maniac and move onto his next target.