New Teams

Everyone was frozen still for a few moments as they tried to comprehend what just happened. Smack talk, arguments were one thing, but to actually hurt someone who was supposed to be an ally with your Angelica… that was unacceptable.

"How could you hurt him like that…? We're supposed to be working together!" Tian Long cried.

"Hmph. He looked like he was about to punch me, and I felt threatened. So… I decided to get him away from me a bit. Looks like I still can't control my power all that well — sorry about that, I suppose."

He had a nasty smirk on his face as he apologized, showing that he wasn't actually sorry at all. Obo groaned and slowly rose back up to his feet, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Why… you…!"

Now, he was really looking ready to fight it out, activating his Pharaoh Angelica, and Hurricane's four teammates stepped up before activating their Angelicas as well. The atmosphere tensed up, both sides ready to fight at any given moment.