Hurricane's Plans

With Qi Ling taking the lead, filling in any gaps in the stairs with her Everfrost Angelica, climbing up was made a lot simpler. But at this rate… she would soon run out of mana which definitely wasn't ideal for the boss fight coming up ahead considering she was a major powerhouse of the group.

Just as expected, after a while, she stopped before a gap, then turned around to the others.

"I can't keep filling in the spots like this. My mana is running low."

"No kidding… I'm surprised you even lasted this long," Acaya muttered, glancing down at all the way they've climbed. "We're definitely around twenty stories tall by now, yet we're still only about halfway there…"

"None of us can fill in those gaps like you did," Obo said. "The Pharaoh Angelica Acaya and I have command sand… which obviously aren't ideal for making stairs out of."